
  1. 平板型太阳能集热器空气夹层最佳间距的确定

    OPtimal Spacing Determination of Air Layers for the Flat Plate Solar Energy Collector

  2. 平板型太阳能集热器效率分析

    Analysis on efficiency of plate solar energy collector

  3. 平板型太阳能集热器微机测试系统

    Computer Controlled Planar Solar Energy Collector Experiment System

  4. 平板型太阳能空气集热器有效透过率与吸收率乘积的计算

    The calculations of the effective transmittance - absorptance product of flat plate solar air collectors

  5. 在分析平板型太阳能空气集热器内部传热原理的基础上,对其有效透过率与吸收率的乘积进行了讨论,导出了计算公式。

    Based on the analysis of the machanism of heat transfer in the flat plate solar air collectors , discussions on the effective transmittance-absorptance product in both single-glazing and double-glazing were conducted . The mathematical expressions were given .