
  • 网络Average sound absorption coefficient;NRC;average sound absorption factor
  1. 平均吸声系数,平均吸声率

    Average sound absorption coefficient

  2. 平均吸声系数可达0.4~0.52,且随孔径的减小,孔隙率、厚度的增大,吸声性能提高。

    Its average sound absorbing coefficient reaches 0.4 ~ 0.52 . When its pore diameter decreases , or its porosity and thickness increase , the sound absorbing property may be improved .

  3. 在吸声性能方面,本论文初步探讨了多孔混凝土在不同空隙率,不同集料级配、不同试件厚度以及人工孔隙的条件下,其不同频率的吸声系数变化规律和综合平均吸声系数变化规律。

    For the sound absorption properties , the influence of target void ratio , the sizes of aggregate and the thickness of porous concrete to sound absorption coefficient and arithmetic mean of the absorption coefficients have been studied too .

  4. 计算了吸声处理前后的平均吸声系数和房间的混响时间.并用比较其混响时间的方法,评价房间音质的优劣。

    The reverberation times and the mean sound absorption coefficients before and after the sound absorption treatment are calculated , and the acoustics of the theatre are discussed by comparing the reverberation time before and after the sound absorption treatment .

  5. 本文介绍了MonteCarlo方法模拟室内扩散声场的原理,模拟计算了混响室声场中的能量密度衰减曲线、能量脉冲响应、平均自由程及吸声系数等。

    This paper reviews the principles of the Monte Carlo method for simulating the diffuse sound field and presents some results of the diffuse sound field in reverberation room , such as energy density decay function , energy impulse response , mean free path and absorption coefficient .

  6. 与此同时,平均消声量增加了23dB,平均吸声系数增加了07,明显改善了吸声性能,可满足实际工程需要。

    Meanwhile , the average transmission loss increases to 23 dB , and the average sound absorption coefficient increases 0.7 . So the structure has obviously improved the sound absorption performance , it and the purpose is realized of broadband resonance sound absorption of low frequency .