
  • 网络Pinghe county
  1. 平和县土地适宜性评价与潜力分析

    Evaluation of Land Suitability and Its Potential Analysis in Pinghe County , Fujian Province

  2. 平和县水土流失区栽植蜜柚效益评价

    Benefit Evaluation of Planting Grapefruit Trees in Soil and Water Loss Area in Pinghe County

  3. 琯溪蜜柚原产福建平和县,是栽培柚类的名品。

    Pomelo is native to Fujian County , is the cultivation of the quality of Pinghe .

  4. 平和县琯溪蜜柚产业具有悠久的发展历史和良好的资源条件。

    Pinghe is a county blessed natural resources for the development of Guanxi honey pomelo industry , with a long history .

  5. 目前台湾苏铁仅分布在我国福建省的中南部,且仅有一株野生植株生长在平和县。

    Cycas taiwaniana is only found in central-southern Fujian Province in China , with only one wild plant growing in Pinghe County .

  6. 远去的记忆&闽南平和县春节习俗的人类学调查

    A Far - bygone Memory & An Anthropological Survey on the Tradition on Spring Festival in Pinghe County of the Minnan Region of Fujian

  7. 平和县的山地开发已取得了较大成功,但也存在一些有待解决的生态环境问题。

    The County of Pinghe has achieved considerable success in the exploitation of mountain areas , however , there are some ecological and environmental problems remain to be solved .

  8. 本文以盛产琯溪蜜柚的福建平和县为田野点,通过对琯溪蜜柚历史性的框架分析,力图展现蜜柚如何从地方产物到清廷贡品再转变为商品的历史过程。

    This paper , as a source of guanxi honey pomelo Fujian County for the field , tries to show how the local product from pomelo tribute to change commodity historical process , through the Guanxi honey pomelo historic framework analysis .

  9. 平和县要实现琯溪蜜柚产业化发展,就必须以市场需求为导向,整合现有资源,充分发挥自身的优势,建立符合自己特点的产业化经营组织模式。

    Pinghe county wants to realize the industrialization development of Guanxi honey pomelo , must take market demand as the direction , conformities the existing resources , play fully to the own advantage , establish its own characteristics of the industrialized operation of the organization model .

  10. 本文所设计的大计划管理系统系统已被应用到平和县供电有限公司中,应用效果表明系统达到了最初的设计初衷,能有效提高供电有限公司工作人员的工作效率。

    In this paper , the design of large project management system has been applied to the peaceful county Power Supply Enterprise , the application effect shows that the system has reached the designed originally , can effectively improve the work efficiency of the Power Supply Enterprise Staff .