- dry season

[dry season] 在一定的气候型中,该区一年中重复发生一个月或几个月雨量为最小的时期
The precipitation is between ll0 ~ 200mm in dry season ;
Relative differences between the Gash modeling results and field measurements were 4.3 % with dry season as 0.1 % and rainy season as 6.9 % . We conclude that the Gash analytic model can be used for estimating canopy water interception in the tropical seasonal rainforest .
The dry-season dynamics of the inorganic nitrogen pools were similar under the three vegetation types while the dynamics of NH + 4-N differed from that of NO - 3-N 's.
The water of that river has dried out .
Generally , wet season lasts 7-8 months , dry season lasts 4-5 months .
Building orientations are balanced perpendicular to the prevailing winds of dry and wet seasons .
In dry season , there were 26 genera of which the dominant groups were 4 ' .
The depth of light compensatory point is higher during dry season , and lower during monsoon season .
Initial Study on the Edge Effect of Temperature Increasing at the Artificial Forest Gap in Dry Season in Xishuangbanna
The correlativity between the effection of city temperature increase and the urban coverage and urban population is considerable .
The photosynthesis of 12 tested tree species simultaneously had two dominant factors of stoma restriction and non-stoma restriction .
The microclimate of dew and fog formation on canopy layer in the dry season in Xishuangbanna tropical rain forest
THE summer dry-season , now drawing to an end , is when the Amazon rainforest gets cut and burned .
Canonical correlation analysis of meteorological factors on dry seasonal soil water content dynamics in Eucalyptus Plantation on Leizhou Peninsula of China
The results show that there is no marked trend for precipitation from 1959 to 2000 , especially in dry season .
Dry-season dynamics of soil inorganic nitrogen pools in primary Lithocarpus xylocarpus forest and degraded vegetations in Ailao mountain , Yunnan Province
The time boundary between soil dry season and the soil damp season is in the middle of July in normal years .
Dry seasons ( i.e. October-April ) of pre-damming period show high sediment load and low water discharge compared to post-damming periods .
The two species could maintain relatively high growth rate under high phosphorus levels in dry season when native plant species almost stopped growing .
The time lag between Js and VPD was significantly related to nighttime water recharge in dry season , but reversed in wet season .
However , their maximum net photosynthetic rates and maximum stomatal conductance in the rainy season were significantly higher than that in the dry season .
After a dry period , the first rain running down the tree bark contains most nutrients , dissolved from wind-blown dust and organic matter .
For the dry season , they press two . Farmers will be asked about the size of their field and how many bags of rice it produced last year .
This paper reports on the groups of the Fungi in the Erhai lake of Tali City of Yunnan Province , in the dry season and rainy season of affairs distribution .
Nutrition and Supplementation of Sheep in Dry Season of Australia When the grazing time was short , grazing cows tried to keep the foraging time respectively stable by shortening the ruminating time .
During the dry periods that are common phenomena along the desert margins , though , the pressure on the land is often far in excess of its diminished capacity , and desertification results .
For the four typical arid areas , the extreme drought events were most in Southwest China , where drought mainly occurred in winter and spring , showed heating , less rainfall and drying trend .
The representative area of dry and hot valley of Jinsha River in Yunnan Province has a temperature condition of the northern tropical zone and a long dry season of more than half a year .
The annual average evaporation of free water is 1194.5 ! mm . The potential evapotranspiration is much smaller than the evaporation of free water in dry season while the both are very close in wet season .
With the expansion of the city , the indoor and the outdoor air temperature rise , the increase of the indoor temperature goes higher than that of the outdoors , the dry seasons exceeds the rainy seasons .