
  • 网络Reason for Hope
  1. 美国大型贷款机构CIT集团带来了更多抱以希望的理由,该集团通过一宗私人部门交易,无需额外政府资金就避免了破产命运,这改写了近来的纾困脚本。

    CIT Group , the big US lender , gave greater reason for hope by averting bankruptcy in a private sector deal with no fresh government money a change from the recent script .

  2. 是这些非洲人在加大步伐-常常冒着巨大的个人牺牲甚至风险,为他们的国家带来和平、良政和正确的政策,成为希望的理由。

    It is those Africans who are stepping up – often at great personal sacrifice and even risk , to bring peace , good governance and sound policies to their countries that are the reason for hope .

  3. 但这不能成为我们彻底放弃希望的理由。

    But that is no reason to abandon hope itself .

  4. 更不是我们失去希望的理由。

    They are not an excuse to lose hope .

  5. 在美国社会心理学会议最近发表的一份新颖的报告中发现了对未来充满希望的理由。

    Findings from a new study were presented at a recent meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society .

  6. 一些国家国际贸易快速增长和大幅减少贫困,为其他国家提供了希望的理由。

    Surging world trade and dramatic reductions of poverty in some countries provide grounds for hope in others .

  7. 不过,政府及联合国众多机构对于市场力量新近产生的认识,或许蕴藏着令人燃起希望的最佳理由。

    But the best reason for hope may lie in the new-found awareness of market forces among governments and the UN crowd .

  8. 他希望自己语无伦次的理由能被人理解。

    He hopes that his preposterous reasons may be understood .

  9. 呀,我正好在想着自己不希望铺地毯的各种理由。

    Wow , I 'm just thinking of all the reasons why I wish we didn 't have carpet .

  10. 你一定希望确保自己的放弃理由充足,那就思忖一下这两个问题:

    You 'll want to know that you are giving up your goal for the right reasons , so ask yourself these two questions :