
  • 网络brixton
  1. 该慈善机构也在布里克斯顿(Brixton)监狱(HMP,即HerMajesty'sPrison)、高唐(HighDown)监狱和斯蒂亚尔(Styal)监狱开了餐厅,旨在通过这些项目,培训囚犯并授予他们实用技能,帮助他们改过自新,以降低再犯罪率。

    The charity also has restaurants at HMPs Brixton , High Down and Styal and aims to reduce reoffending through projects that train and give practical skills to prisoners to aid their rehabilitation .

  2. 布里克斯顿,文森特在顶层有一个他喜欢的房间。

    Brixton , where Vincent had a room at the top that he loved .

  3. 斯卡曼勋爵第二期调查的范围仍限于布里克斯顿。

    Lord scarman 's remit for the second phase of his inquiry is still confined to brixton .

  4. 文森特的女房东太太在布里克斯顿,劳尔夫人有一个19岁的女儿尤金妮娅,比文森特要年轻一点。

    Vincent 's landlady in Brixton , Mrs Loyer had a daughter Eugenie who was 19 , a year younger than Vincent .