
  • 网络Brent;Brent crude;Brent Crude Oil;Brent oil
  1. 布伦特原油(Brentcrude)下跌4美元,至每桶88.99美元。

    Brent crude fell $ 4 to $ 88.99 a barrel .

  2. 早盘交易中,伦敦洲际交易所(ICE)5月布伦特原油期货价格上涨1.15美元,至每桶123.37美元,为2008年8月以来的最高水平。

    ICE May Brent early in the day rose $ 1.15 to $ 123.37 per barrel , the highest since August 2008 .

  3. ICE决定在今年5月推出其新加坡交易所,首批交易的期货合约是布伦特原油和黄金。

    ICE is set to launch its Singapore exchange in May , starting with futures on Brent crude oil and on gold .

  4. EnergyAspects表示,虽然布伦特原油价格已跌至每桶101美元左右的14个月低点,但仍不足以激发驾车者和其他消费者的更多需求。

    While prices trawl 14-month lows near $ 101 a barrel , they are still too high to lure more demand from drivers and other consumers , Energy Aspects says .

  5. 北京希望其能够与纽约的西得克萨斯中质油油期货(WestTexasIntermediatefutures)和伦敦的布伦特原油期货(Brentfutures)相竞争。

    Beijing hopes they will compete with the West Texas Intermediate futures traded in New York and London 's Brent futures .

  6. 欧洲基准原油期货&伦敦洲际交易所(ICE)5月布伦特原油期货价格继周一下跌2.67美元后,再跌2.78美元,至121.20美元/桶。

    ICE May Brent , the European oil benchmark , fell $ 2.78 to $ 121.20 per barrel , with losses snowballing from a $ 2.67 fall on Monday .

  7. 全球基准布伦特原油(brentcrude)跌至每桶105美元的今年迄今最低位。

    Brent crude , the global benchmark , hit its lowest level so far this year , falling to $ 105 a barrel .

  8. 布伦特原油(brent)飙升至每桶近74美元,较1月份上涨了75%。

    Brent crude jumped to nearly $ 74 a barrel , up 75 per cent from January .

  9. 基准的布伦特原油(Brentcrude)价格在两天内下跌了逾16美元,上周五跌至每桶105.15美元的低位。

    At its low of $ 105.15 a barrel on Friday , benchmark Brent crude oil had dropped more than $ 16 in two days .

  10. 全球最大的场外石油经纪商PVMOilAssociates昨日披露,由于一名交易员对布伦特原油期货进行了未授权交易,该公司亏损了近1000万美元。

    PVM Oil Associates , the largest over-the-counter oil brokerage , revealed yesterday it had lost almost $ 10m after one of its traders engaged in unauthorised trading in Brent futures .

  11. 在周二大涨4%以后,在国际上交易的布伦特原油(Brent)价格较1月低点高出近60%。

    After a 4 per cent jump on Tuesday , internationally traded Brent crude is almost 60 per cent above its low point in January .

  12. 去年,西德克萨斯中质原油期货价格比北海布伦特原油(brent)期货价格低了10美元。

    West Texas Intermediate crude oil futures last year traded as much as $ 10 a barrel less than Brent , its rival from the North Sea .

  13. 作为国际原油基准的布伦特原油(Brent)自6月中旬以来暴跌近25%,昨日午后下跌1.65美元,至每桶86.58美元。

    Brent , the international oil benchmark , which has plunged almost 25 per cent since mid-June , fell $ 1.65 to $ 86.58 in afternoon trading .

  14. 知情人士说,该经纪商表示,它已通知了伦敦金融城的监管机构金融服务局(FSA),以及布伦特原油的交易市场洲际交易所(IntercontinentalExchange)。

    The broker said it had informed the Financial Services Authority , the City of London regulator , and the InterContinental Exchange , the marketplace for Brent , said people familiar with the situation .

  15. 报告还进一步表示:这提出了布伦特原油价差是否反映了基本面的问题。经合组织(OECD)工业化国家的库存已反映了这一点。

    The study further said : This raises questions about whether Brent spreads reflected fundamentals , as captured by inventories in the industrialised nations of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development .

  16. 但是,全球一些最大的产油国同意冻结产量之举帮助设置了价格下限,布伦特原油(Brentcrude)自1月中旬以来反弹50%。

    But moves by some of the world 's largest oil producers to agree an output freeze have helped to put a floor under prices , with Brent crude rebounding by 50 per cent since mid-January .

  17. 布伦特原油价格周四达到118.25美元,显著高于iea选择动用其成员国持有的战略储备之前的水平。

    Brent was trading at $ 118.25 on Thursday , significantly above the level seen before the IEA chose to use the stockpiles held in its member states .

  18. 在经济复苏步伐加快之际,石油价格最近几周已经逼近每桶100美元,而本周一,布伦特原油(brentcrude)价格27个月以来首次触及每桶95美元。

    Oil prices have edged closer to $ 100 a barrel in recent weeks and Brent crude hit $ 95 a barrel for the first time in 27 months on Monday as the economic recovery has gathered pace .

  19. 但如果过去三个月已上涨四分之一的布伦特原油(brent)价格继续攀升,这一次亚洲可能不会如此走运。

    But if the price of a barrel of Brent , up a quarter in the past three months , continues to grind higher , Asia may not be so fortunate this time .

  20. 例如,美国西德克萨斯中质原油(WestTexasIntermediate)下跌至每桶50美元以下,属五年多以来的首次。而全球基准布伦特原油(Brentcrude)则下跌超过6%,至每桶53美元之下。

    West Texas Intermediate crude , for example , dipped below $ 50 a barrel for the first time in more than five years , and Brent crude , the global benchmark , fell more than 6 percent , to under $ 53 a barrel .

  21. 布伦特原油价格上涨至每桶近120美元,远高于国际能源署(iea)宣布将向市场释放战略原油储备时的水平。

    Brent crude oil rose to almost $ 120 a barrel , well above the level it was trading at when the International Energy Agency announced it would release strategic oil reserves to the market .

  22. 交易员和分析师表示,WTI与布伦特原油的价格背离,意味着面对不断上涨的能源价格,企业和投资者若使用WTI合约为自己的头寸做对冲,就很容易蒙受损失。

    The WTI-Brent price divergence meant that companies and investors hedging their exposure to rising energy prices through WTI contracts were left exposed to losses , traders and analysts said .

  23. oseberg是用于计算布伦特原油基准指数的4种北海原油品级之一。

    Oseberg is one of the four North Sea grades used to calculate the Brent crude benchmark .

  24. 英国的金融服务管理局(FSA)也未能制定出一套连贯的大宗商品规定,尽管它的确够迅速地对一名经纪人在醉酒期间引发布伦特原油价格上涨的行为予以了处罚。

    In the UK , the Financial Services Authority failed to produce a consistent set of commodities rules , even though it did act quickly to fine one broker for triggering an increase in the price of Brent while drunk .

  25. 全球油价基准布伦特原油价格上涨5.3%,至每桶57.86美元,美国基准WTI上涨5.2%,至每桶51.71美元。

    Brent , the global oil marker , climbed 5.3 per cent to $ 57.86 a barrel , while West Texas Intermediate , the US standard , advanced 5.2 per cent to $ 51.71 a barrel .

  26. 分析人士表示,由于燃油成本激增,可能会有更多的地区航空公司宣布利润下降。今年第一季度,基准布伦特原油(Brent)价格从95美元左右飙升至120美元以上。

    Analysts said more regional airlines were likely to announce impaired profits as a result of the surge in fuel costs , which reflected a rise in the price of Brent crude oil from about $ 95 to more than $ 120 during the quarter .

  27. 本文的创新之处在于将金融市场中度量市场风险的VaR方法引入到石油市场中,在考虑石油价格波动特点的基础上,建立了基于GARCH-M的VaR模型,并选取布伦特原油价格进行实证风险研究。

    The dissertation applies the VaR method to the oil market , which estimates the risk of finance market to oil market . After the introduction of the principle of VaR , it is established for the model of VaR based on GARCH-M for Brent oil price .

  28. 今年早些时候,在利比亚爆发内战之后,油价曾攀上两年来最高水平,达每桶125美元以上,但其后由于受金融危机影响,全球基准的布伦特原油(brent)回落至每桶105美元水平。

    Oil prices reached a two-year high of more than $ 125 a barrel earlier this year after the civil war broke in Libya but the cost of Brent , the global benchmark , has since fallen back to $ 105 a barrel due to the financial crisis .

  29. 虽然在美国牵头进行空袭的威胁下,在伦敦洲际交易所(IntercontinentalExchange)交易的布伦特原油价格上涨了5%,但并没有逼近2013年高点。

    But while the price of Brent , which is traded on London 's IntercontinentalExchange , did rise by 5 % on the threat of U.S. - led airstrikes , it didn 't come close to the 2013 high .

  30. 布伦特原油期货交易及对我国的启示

    Futures Exchange of Brent Oil and its Inspiration to Us