
  • 网络Market entry;market access;go to market;go-to-market
  1. 目前,国内ShoppingMall还处于初步试验发展阶段,且由于市场进入壁垒较高,资金链容易断裂等问题的存在。

    At present , domestic Shopping Mall is at the test development phase . It exists some problems , for example , the market entry barrier is high , the fund chain is easy to break and so on .

  2. 海外市场进入的混合模式理论和应用研究

    Principle and Application Research on Mixed Mode of Foreign Market Entry

  3. B公司汽车零部件国际市场进入模式探析

    The Study on Entry Models for Company B 's Automobile Spare Parts into the Global Markets

  4. EXPOREAL,将首次进入中国完全创新产品的市场进入与管理-一个市场导向的观点

    EXPO REAL to Be Held in China Managing the Market Launch of Radical Innovations A Market Oriented Perspective

  5. 跨国公司进入东道国具有多种市场进入模式,在大多数研究文献中,对于FDI这种市场进入模式是不加区分的,也就是不区分新设投资和跨国并购。

    The MNCs can enter the foreign market by many modes , but most of the existing ar-ticles do not differentiate them .

  6. WAP市场进入收获期。

    WAP has entered the harvest season .

  7. 随着房地产市场进入买方市场时代,房地产营销中引入CS战略已成为必要。

    It is very necessary for estate marketing to introduce CS strategies in the times of estate market coming into buyer market .

  8. 笔者参照国外经验,提出了投资基金组建的形式、方法和原则,及有关spv的市场进入、经营、退出的法规与政策制定的参考。

    Therefore , we should develop investment funds , and establish the law about spv market enter , keep and quit affair .

  9. 随着我国房地产市场进入买方市场,4C理论的应用将成为房地产企业决胜未来市场的关键之一。

    With the real estates market in China entering the buying market , the applications of 4c theory will be one of keys in competition during the real estates enterprises .

  10. 他说:一些迹象显示,我们有充分的机会在中国取得成功,我们的市场进入(go-to-market)战略在那里也应当会奏效。

    We have several indications that we have every opportunity to succeed in China , that our go-to-market strategy should work over there , he said .

  11. 第六章:是网络外部性下电信企业市场进入分析,本章通过斯坦克尔伯格(Stackelberg)竞争模型对网络外部性下的电信企业序贯进入电信市场的情况进行分析。

    Chapter 6 : it analyzes the entry into telecom market under network externality . This chapter , using Stackelberg competition model , offers an analysis of the telecom players ' entry into the market under the network externality .

  12. 关于进入前的博弈行为,主要体现为我国银行业市场进入的制度变迁博弈。

    The main game behavior before entering is the institutional changes .

  13. 我国数控机床市场进入快速发展期

    China 's CNC machine tool market enter in a new stage

  14. 关于市场进入次序优势中时间博弈观点的研究

    Research on order-of-market-entry advantage : A view from game of timing

  15. 企业能力对企业技术市场进入时机选择的影响

    Effect of Enterprises Competence on the Timing of Entering Technology Market

  16. 市场进入的理论分析与典型工业市场的实证检验

    Analysis of Market Entry and Empirical Evidence on Classical Industry in China

  17. 跨国公司市场进入模式选择以及东道国的政策干预分析

    Market Entry Mode Choice of MNCs and Host Countries ' Policy Intervention

  18. 最后评述市场进入模式选择理论,对各个理论的主要内容及其特点进行了分析。

    Lastly , the chapter reviews the market entry mode selection theory .

  19. 外资银行市场进入:转轨经济国家视角

    Foreign-Funded Bank 's Market Entry : From the Perspective of Economy-Switching Country

  20. 建立了一个广告抢先的双寡头模型,通过两阶段博弈的均衡结果,推出了广告形成市场进入壁垒的成本条件。

    A model of advertising competition with duopoly is established .

  21. 市场进入模式与中国电信运营商的国际化

    Market Entry Modes and the Globalization of Chinese Telecom Operators

  22. 可拓学方法在矿业市场进入模式决策中的应用

    Application of Extension Method in Selecting Entry Mode of Vietnamese Mining Market

  23. 生而全球化公司的全球市场进入战略

    The Global Market Entry Strategy of Born Global Firms

  24. 本文以此作为论题,以国际市场进入模式的演进选择为切入点进行阐释。

    My paper focuses on evolution and choice of international market entry mode .

  25. 论国有资产的市场进入

    The Entering of State & owned Assets into Market

  26. 外资服务企业中国市场进入模式的实证研究

    An Empirical Test of Foreign Service Firms ' Entry Mode Choice in China

  27. 国际船舶市场进入预警区间

    International ship market enters into the alarm zone

  28. 频率经济、市场进入与退出

    Economies of Frequency , Market Entry and Quit

  29. 国际市场进入模式的演进及选择模型阐释

    An Study on the Model of Evolution and Choice of International Market Entry Mode

  30. 中国建筑企业国际市场进入模式决策体系研究

    A Decision-making System for Selecting the International Market Entry Mode for Chinese Construction Enterprises