
  • 网络PETROBRAS;Petroleo Brasileiro SA
  1. 巴西国家石油公司前经理韦尼娜•韦洛萨达方茜卡(VeninaVelosadaFonseca)在不久前的电视采访中含泪称,她曾在2008年就虚报合同价格问题提醒过数位高管,其中包括当时主管天然气和能源部门的格拉卡斯•福斯特。

    Venina Velosa da Fonseca , a former Petrobras manager , said during a tearful television interview last month that she had warned several directors of inflated contracts in 2008 , including Ms Gra ç as Foster who was head of the gas and energy division at the time .

  2. 在纽约和圣保罗两地上市的巴西国家石油公司在格拉卡斯•福斯特接管时就已经陷入困境。

    New York and S ã o Paulo quoted Petrobras itself was already in trouble when she took charge .

  3. 这些高官都牵扯进了一起有关巴西国家石油公司Petrobras的重大腐败丑闻,但是阿尔维斯否认了这次指控。

    All are implicated in a major corruption scandal at the state oil company , Petrobras . Mr Alves denied the allegations .

  4. 奥丽文公司现在的客户包括巴西国家石油公司(petrobras)与美国埃克森(exxon)等石油巨头,每年生产的阀门数量达到了40万只。

    His company now supplies oil majors such as Petrobras of Brazil and Exxon of the US and makes 4 00000 Valves a year .

  5. 来自巴西国家石油公司的消息,推高了英国天然气集团(BG)和西班牙石油公司Repsol的股价。这两家公司均是开发Guara油田的合作伙伴。

    The news from Petrobras pushed up the share prices of BG and Repsol , the UK and Spanish oil companies that are partners in developing Guar .

  6. 首先,这位巴西国家石油公司(Petrobras)的前首席执行官是位女性&事实上,也是执掌大型石油企业的首位女性。

    For a start , the chief executive of Petrobras is a woman & in fact , the first woman to lead an oil major .

  7. 首先,这位巴西国家石油公司(Petrobras)的前首席执行官是位女性——事实上,也是执掌大型石油企业的首位女性。

    For a start , the chief executive of Petrobras is a woman - in fact , the first woman to lead an oil major .

  8. 其他不算太新的公告包括,中国向巴西国家石油公司提供贷款并向巴西航空工业公司(Embraer)订购40架飞机。

    Other not-so-new announcements included Chinese loans to state-owned oil company Petrobras and a Chinese order for 40 Brazilian Embraer aircraft .

  9. 除了要面对美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的调查,由于去年11月其审计机构普华永道会计事务所(PwC)拒绝核实该公司的账目,巴西国家石油公司仍然被挡在资本市场之外并面临技术性违约的风险。

    As well as facing a Securities and Exchange Commission investigation in the US , Petrobras remains cut off from capital markets and risks technical default after its auditors PwC refused to approve its accounts in November .

  10. 中国最近同意向巴西国家石油公司(Petrobras)提供100亿美元贷款,以换取有保障的石油供应。

    China recently agreed to lend $ 10bn ( 6bn , 7bn ) to Petrobras , Brazil 's state-controlled oil company , in return for a guaranteed supply of oil .

  11. 巴西国家石油公司这两艘新的FPSO船,P-58和P-62,将在里约热内卢离岸、石油资源丰富的Campos盆地作业。

    The two new Petrobras FPSO units P-58 and P-62 will operate in the oil-rich Campos basin , offshore from Rio de Janeiro .

  12. 针对国有的巴西国家石油公司(Petrobras)腐败行为的全面“洗车”调查,导致巴西国会和企业界陷入瘫痪,加剧了该国受到的冲击。

    Brazil has also taken a hit from the sweeping " Car Wash " investigation into corruption at Petrobras , the state-owned oil company , which has paralysed congress and the corporate sector .

  13. 因此,在巴西国家石油公司寻求通过增发募集资金之际,该公司指定中国工商银行(icbc)为簿记行的决定,被认为明显是为了进一步利用中方的这种兴趣。

    So , as Petrobras looks to raise capital with its secondary share offering , the decision to name industrial and Commercial Bank of China as a Bookrunner is being seen as a clear effort to further tap this Chinese interest .

  14. 巴西国家石油公司尚未透露其中几处油田的储量估计。

    Petrobras has not released reserves estimates for several of them .

  15. 巴西国家石油公司一直在配合警方对相关指控的调查。

    Petrobras has been co-operating with the police investigation into the allegations .

  16. 他补充说,两家公司正在讨论中石化可能对巴西国家石油公司进行的上游股权投资。

    He added that the companies were in discussions about a potential upstream equity investment by Sinopec in Petrobras .

  17. 巴西国家石油公司和中国石化还签署了一项勘探和设备、服务供应谅解备忘录。

    Petrobras and Sinopec also signed a memorandum of understanding on exploration and the supply of equipment and services .

  18. 中国的石油企业可能会投资(巴西国家石油公司),不仅是为了核心业务,也是为了获得投资收益。

    The Chinese oil companies might invest [ in Petrobras ] not just for core business but also for investment income .

  19. 在过去几个月中,巴西国家石油公司卷入了该国史上最大的受贿与回扣案。

    Over the past few months , Petrobras has become engulfed in the largest bribery and kickback investigation in Brazil 's history .

  20. 罗塞夫总统已表示,如果与巴西国家石油公司相关的任何不当行为指控被证实确有其事,这些行为将受到最大力度的惩罚。

    The president has said that , if any wrongdoing linked to the Petrobras allegations is confirmed , it will be punished with maximum vigour .

  21. 作为回报,巴西国家石油公司在今后10年里将向中国国有的中石化公司提供最多每天20万桶的原油。

    In return , Petrobras is to supply China 's state-owned Sinopec with up to 200000 barrels of oil a day for the next 10 years .

  22. 巴西国家石油公司当时表示,这笔贷款将用于投资,以及“向中国企业购买商品和服务”。

    The loan was to finance Petrobras investments as well as " the purchase of goods and services from Chinese companies " , according to Petrobras .

  23. 据称巴西国家石油公司内部的部分贪腐行为发生在罗塞夫担任该公司董事会主席期间。罗塞夫否认与贿赂丑闻有任何牵连。

    Ms Rousseff , who was chair of Petrobras when much of the graft supposedly took place , has denied any involvement in the alleged scheme .

  24. 中国同意在今后10年里向巴西国家石油公司贷款100亿美元,以换取有保证的石油供应。

    China , Brazil Sign Oil Deal China has agreed to lend $ 10 billion to Brazil 's Petrobras , in return for guaranteed oil supply over the next decade .

  25. 格拉卡斯•福斯特极力否认她事先知情,巴西国家石油公司则表示一直在采取所有必要措施对涉嫌违规行为进行调查。

    Ms Gra & # 231 ; as Foster has vehemently denied she was aware of the scheme and Petrobras said it has been taking all necessary measures to investigate alleged irregularities .

  26. 近年来,中国在南美的战略投资成倍增加,主要形式是巴西国家石油公司与中石化之间的这种“石油换贷款”协议,以及收购油田权益。

    Strategic investments by China in South America have multiplied in recent years , taking the form of oil-for-loan deals such as that struck between Petrobras and Sinopec and purchases of stakes in oilfields .

  27. 小时候曾捡废金属卖钱的她,于1978年以实习生的身份进入巴西国家石油公司,逐渐对这家国有石油生产商了如指掌,足以让任何一个老板自惭形愧。

    After collecting scrap metal for cash as a child , she joined Petrobras as an intern in 1978 and accumulated an encyclopedic knowledge of Brazil 's state-controlled oil producer that would put any boss to shame .

  28. 中石化和巴西国家石油公司今年4月签署了一项协议,承诺评估未来的合作机遇,包括可能把巴西东北沿海两处需要深水钻探作业的区块出售给中方。

    Sinopec and Petrobras struck a deal in April committing them to assess future partnerships , including the possible sale to the Chinese of two blocks off the north-eastern coast of Brazil which require deep water drilling .

  29. 由于发现了几处数十年来最大的海上油田,2007年巴西国家石油公司在技术实力上赢得尊重,并且成为全球石油业令人羡慕的对象。然而,如今该公司可能很快将不得不求助于政府援助。

    After winning respect for its technological prowess and becoming the envy of the global industry in 2007 by making the largest offshore oil discoveries in decades , Petrobras may soon have to resort to a government bailout .

  30. 它们或是拥有或掌控着更充沛的油气储备,例如巴西国家石油公司和俄罗斯石油公司,或是坐拥庞大的消费市场,并受益于政府的雄厚财力与勃勃野心,例如中石油。

    They either own or control much higher oil and gas reserves , as is the case with Petrobras and Rosneft , or they have access to a huge consumer market and benefit from the deep pockets and ambitions of their governments , as is the case with PetroChina .