
  • 网络Bobby;Barbie
  1. 当天色渐渐变黑时,巴比就告别了小女孩回家了。

    When it started getting dark , Bobby went back home .

  2. 你知道,追查巴比的下落很难。

    You know it 's hard to track that Bobby down .

  3. 结论:缺氧缺血可致脑细胞胞浆及线粒体Ca2+浓度增加,硫酸镁和MK-801可抑制缺氧后胞浆钙超载,苯巴比男钠效果不著。

    Conclusion : Hypoxic-ischemia induced increase of cytosol and mitochondrial Ca2 + concentration . MK-801 and magnesium sulfate can inhibit cytosol calcium overload after hypoxic-ischemia .

  4. 方法:采用红细胞酵母菌混合花环法和硫代巴比土酸(TBA)法检测了肺心病患者红细胞C3b受体、血浆及红细胞膜丙二醛(MDA)水平。

    Methods : The red cell immune function and the levels of malonyldialdehyde ( MDA ) in plasm and erythrocyte membrane were tested by red cell yeast mixture rose and thiobarbituric acid ( TBA ) methods .

  5. 同时,法拉利的新队员吉米也希望在测试队迁移到巴比西亚的时候,也就是下周测试中,驾驶新车F2007。

    Meanwhile , new Ferrari signing Kimi Raikkonen is expected to be in action in the new F2007 for the first time in tests next week as the test team move to Valencia .

  6. 巴比•鲁思食口嚼烟,53岁死于咽喉癌;

    Babe Ruth chewed tobacco ; throat cancer killed him at53 .

  7. 小巴比有很多玩具在他的房间里面。

    Little Bob has a lot of toys in his room .

  8. 小女孩的妈妈用很好吃的花生酱三明治招待巴比,巴比非常喜欢吃。

    Her mother treated him to a nice peanut butter sandwich .

  9. 巴比康什么也不说,但是他的沉默里潜伏着阴郁的怒火。

    Barbicane said nothing , but his silence covered serious irritation .

  10. 我打赌你一定给你的女儿买过巴比娃娃。

    I bet you 'd buy a Barbie for your daughter .

  11. 这件事我也不是没有责任,巴比。

    I 'm not innocent in all this , bobby .

  12. 比如他带我去买巴比娃娃的时候。

    The time he took me shopping for a barbie .

  13. 搞笑巴比,近来可好?

    Hey fun bobby ! How is it going man ?

  14. 孩子,那就是你的朋友,巴比。

    Boy , that 's some friend you got there , bobby .

  15. 他说只见过她一次,巴比。

    He said he only met her once , bobby .

  16. 后来巴比想要搬到佛罗里达去,而弗兰基则想留得一份养老金。

    Bobby wanted to move to Florida and Frankie wanted some security .

  17. 从一数到十,巴比。

    Amy : Count form one to ten , bobby .

  18. 巴比康冷静沉着地发布最后的命令。

    Barbicane , cool and collected , was giving his final directions .

  19. 昨晚巴比给他的父母写了一封信。

    Bobby wrote a letter to his parents last night .

  20. 我想那就是贝西跟巴比求婚的理由

    I think that 's how Bitsy proposed to Bobby .

  21. 巴比世酒的成分研究

    Studies on the Components of " Bobhsu " Wine

  22. 巴比:这折衷方法看来颇为合理。

    Bobbie : That seems a pretty reasonable compromise .

  23. 巴比:因为那株树遮了他的光,对吗?

    Bobbie : Because it was taking some of his light , right ?

  24. 听着,巴比,这或者根本不是我的事。

    Listen , bobbie , this might not be any of my business .

  25. 在巴比的生日派对,一位魔术师在舞台上表演戏法。

    A magician performed tricks on a stage at Bobby 's birthday party .

  26. 看,我不是你的巴比玩偶

    See , I 'm not your Barbie doll .

  27. 既然已经和平了,巴比康不愿意再进行试验。

    Barbicane , peace having been declared , declined to try the experiment .

  28. 巴比如此的可爱,以至于姑娘们总是想掐他的脸。

    Bobby is so cute , girls always want to pinch his cheeks .

  29. 巴比想搬到佛罗里达去而弗兰基想要生活有点保障

    Bobby wanted to move to Florida , and Frankie wanted some security .

  30. 巴比由于复习而辞掉了他的兼职工作。

    Bobby quit his part-time job because he is going back to school .