
jù shí zhèn
  • Stonehenge
巨石阵[jù shí zhèn]
  1. 巨石阵是世界上最著名的史前遗迹之一,可以追溯到5000多年前。

    Stonehenge is one of the world 's most famous prehistoric monuments dating back over 5,000 years .

  2. 怀疑论者会提到“泰国巨石阵”——这里指的是一些矗立的混凝土柱子,连绵数公里排开,原本是用来修建通往廊曼国际机场(DonMuangInternationalAirport)的高架轨道线,后来项目被放弃了。

    Sceptics will point to " Thai Stonehenge , " several kilometres of concrete pillars intended for an abandoned elevated train to Don Muang International Airport .

  3. 参观A-Bath&Stonehenge,包括古罗马浴室和巨石阵的入场费——3月26日前37英镑,之后39英镑。

    Tour A-Bath & Stonehenge including entrance fees to the ancient Roman bathrooms and Stonehenge - £ 37 until 26 March and £ 39 thereafter .

  4. 几十年来,巨石阵仪式都是当地的一项主要活动。

    The Stonehenge rite was a local staple for many decades .

  5. 巨石阵座落在英国索尔兹伯里附近的美丽乡间。

    Stonehenge sits in the beautiful countryside near Salisbury , England .

  6. 他是巨石阵的建造者,设计者或神父吗?

    Was he its founder , a designer , a priest ?

  7. 巨石阵是世界上保存最好的史前遗址之一。

    Stonehenge is one of the world 's best preserved pre-historic monuments .

  8. 巨石阵的参观费收入大幅度下降。

    The receipts from admission fees to Stonehenge fell sharply .

  9. 他走过的每个里程标都标明去巨石阵的距离。

    Every milestone he passed recorded the distance to stonehenge .

  10. 他认为他们将巨石阵当做对死亡的纪念碑。

    He believes they used Stonehenge as a monument to the death .

  11. 有些巨石阵的石头来自四百四十公里外之处。

    Some of the stones are from more than 440 kilometers away .

  12. 建造巨石阵的人们似乎就居住于此。

    It seems the people who built Stonehenge lived here .

  13. 旅游者喜欢参观巨石阵和威斯敏斯特大教堂之类的历史古迹。

    Tourists like to visit historic monuments such as Stonehenge and Westminster abbey .

  14. 知道吗?我们有自己的巨石阵。

    We have our own Stonehenge , you know ?

  15. 这是最大的巨石阵之一,尤其是对澳洲土著天文学而言。

    This is one of the big ones , especially for Aboriginal astronomy .

  16. 星期六我们将去看巨石阵。

    On Saturday we 're going to see Stonehenge .

  17. 英格兰的巨石阵可说是有史以来最大的谜团之一。

    One of the greatest mysteries of all time is Stonehenge in England .

  18. 公元前3000年,巨石阵从一开始就被用作公墓

    Stonehenge was used as a cemetery from its inception just after 3000 BC

  19. 在英格兰南部巨石阵附近发现了一座大型的史前村落。

    A major prehistoric village has been unearthed near Stonehenge in southern England .

  20. 每年,成千上万名参观巨石阵的游客都坦承此地具有魔力。

    Thousands of tourists visit Stonehenge every year and say the place feels magical .

  21. 看来巨石阵似乎还不愿意将神秘面纱全部揭开。

    It seems Stonehenge isn 't ready to reveal all its secrets just yet .

  22. 帕克·皮尔森猜想这是巨石阵建造者的失落之城。

    Parker Pearson suspects this was the lost city of the builders of Stonehenge .

  23. 一个故事说,丘伯买巨石阵给妻子作为礼物。

    One story states that Chubb gave Stonehenge to his wife as a gift .

  24. 在《国家地理》的支持下,迈克·帕克·皮尔森带头领导巨石阵调查计划。

    With National Geographic 's support , Mike Parker Pearson leads the Stonehenge Riverside Project .

  25. 巨石阵,英国:83亿英镑

    Stonehenge , UK : 8.3 billion pounds

  26. 有关巨石阵作用的推测也是众说纷纭,上至天文学意义,下至不明飞行体的降落点,尚无定论。

    Speculation as to its purpose , range from astronomy to a UFO landing site .

  27. 或许人类距离揭开巨石阵之谜又近了一步。

    The tantalizing mysteries of Stonehenge may have come one step closer toward being solved .

  28. 从中国的石棚到欧洲的巨石阵&灵石崇拜文化探秘

    From Chinese stone shed to Europe megalith blast & The exploring of the Lingshi adoration culture

  29. 设计作品包括金字塔代替巨石阵、埃菲尔铁塔移至德国等。

    Designs include the pyramids in the place of Stonehenge and the Eiffel Tower in Germany .

  30. 你在哪个国家能找到特拉法尔加广场、多佛白岩和巨石阵?

    In what country will you find Trafalgar Square , the cliffs of Dover and Stonehenge ?