
  • 网络Big surprise;The Great New Wonderful
  1. 吉姆的影视作品包括《伊甸园》、《与犹大同行》、《国王的旅馆》、《巨大的惊喜》。

    Jim 's other movie credits include Gardener of Eden , On the Road with Judas , The King 's Inn , and The Great New Wonderful .

  2. 我记得我们的第一个孩子对我们两个都是一个巨大的惊喜。

    I remember our first child was a big surprise to both of us .

  3. 它给所有人带来了一个巨大的惊喜,没人想到艾伦会捕捉到那样一个瞬间。

    A great surprise for everyone , she captured something that nobody expected .

  4. 我的整形医生给了我巨大的惊喜。

    My plastic surgeon gave me a great deal .

  5. 安东尼在休赛期历经万难才找到工作,这一奖项对他而言无疑是个巨大的惊喜。

    The award comes as a major surprise considering Anthony had trouble finding work in the offseason .

  6. 如果您以前从未实施了一系列的搜索引擎优化方案,那么你在一个巨大的惊喜的。

    If you have never implemented a programme of SEO , then you are in a big surprise .

  7. 约翰把所有的人都关在厨房外面,这样他就可以在晚会上给他们一个巨大的惊喜。

    John shut everybody out of the kitchen so that he could prepare his grand surprise for the party .

  8. 那是一个非常美好的夜晚,而且有着非常巨大的惊喜,事实上,那是米尔卡为我组织的欢送会。

    It was an enormous surprise and a wonderful evening as well as farewell that Mirka had organised for me .

  9. 感谢天王星,当你得到消息时,似乎意味着将是个巨大的惊喜。

    Thanks to an affirming Uranus , when you get the news , it will seem to come as a big surprise .

  10. 上周三晚,当麦当娜在迈阿密开个人演唱会时,盖伊突然打断了妻子的演出,并为她献上了一份巨大的惊喜&一个生日蛋糕。

    The night before devoted Guy interrupted his wife 's concert in Miami to present her with a huge surprise birthday cake .

  11. 这对任何一个16岁大的孩子来说都是一个大新闻,但是对于一个一年前还几乎看不见的年轻女孩来说却是一个巨大的惊喜。

    That 's big news for any16-year-old , but it 's a huge deal for a young girl who a year ago was nearly blind .

  12. 与此同时,丽奈特和汤姆是在一个巨大的惊喜普雷斯顿从欧洲返回,迈克是决心表明苏珊什么人,他是阉割后的感觉;

    Meanwhile , Lynette and Tom are in for a big surprise when Preston returns from Europe ; Mike is determined to show Susan what a man he is after feeling emasculated ;

  13. 如果你喜欢她的成名曲《你好,周杰伦》,这张专辑将会是一个巨大的惊喜。你会发现这个邻家女孩正慢慢转变成一个幽雅成熟的年轻女士。

    If you like her signature song " hello , Jay chou ", the album will be a pleasant surprise . the " girl next door " has become a fully grown young lady .

  14. 人们突然跳出来加入,是一个巨大的惊喜,我们中没人预计到5年后这变得如此普遍。

    The way in which people came , leaping out to join , was a big surprise and I don 't think that any of us would have predicted it would be so common five years later .

  15. 声音3:“我感觉自已极度幸福,而且这也是巨大的惊喜。我从未想过会得奖。我有听到过阿拉伯作家有朝一日会获得诺贝尔奖这种说法。但我不相信这会发生。”

    Voice 3 : " I felt extreme happiness as well as great surprise . I never expected to win the prize . I had heard that an Arab writer may some day win the Nobel Prize . But I did not believe it would happen . "

  16. 艾斯:妈妈,我有一个巨大的的惊喜要给你。

    Esther : I have a surprise for you , Mommy !