
  • left-handed polarization
  1. 该探针光的偏振光谱信号是由于另一束左旋圆偏振的泵浦光束引起的探针光偏振特性发生变化所导致的。

    The polarization spectroscopy signals of the probe light result from the changes in its polarization , which are caused by a left-circularly polarized pumping beam .

  2. 反铁磁质中右旋和左旋的园偏振波

    Right-hand and Left - hand Circularly Polarized Waves in Antiferromagnets

  3. 如果电磁参数选取的合适,左旋和右旋圆偏振模式可以是分开导行的,亦可以是以不同传播常数同时导行的。

    If the electromagnetic parameters are selected properly , the left and right circular polarized modes could be guided separately or be guided simultaneously with different propagate constants .