
  1. 就CPM在工程承包中对于工程工期管理的方法,使承包商应用它进行索赔维护其利益进行研究和讨论。

    The paper discusses the application of CPM in project contract which involves construction time and how contractors can use CPM to claim in order to ensure their benefits .

  2. 施工企业总承包项目工期管理与索赔的探索

    Exploration on Period Management and Claim of Construction General Contract Project

  3. 建筑物整体平移新技术施工中的质量管理和工期管理

    Quality control and time control of new construction technology in building monolithic moving project

  4. 水电站工程工期管理

    Time-limit Control of Hydropower Project

  5. 应用传统的成本和工期管理已经不能够准确反映出成本与进度的绩效水平,更不能进行信息的集成控制。

    The cost of application tradition and the time limit management cannot mirror exactly the performance level of cost and progress , not to mention the integration control of information .

  6. 水电站工程工期管理贯穿于工程建设的全过程,工期管理是业主节约投资、提高企业经济效益的有效途径。

    The work of time-limit control of a hydropower project should be run through the course from start to finish , it is the effective measure for saving investment and improving economic benefit of the project .

  7. 在公路工程项目风险防范对策中,本文重点提出了在工期管理、费用管理、质量管理等5个方面进行风险防范。

    In the road engineering project risk countermeasure . this paper emphasis proposed 5 aspects on the risk countermeasure : the project time management , the expense management , the quality control management and so on .

  8. 本文结合建筑物整体平移工程施工中的管理经验,简单讨论了新技术建筑工程施工的特点和质量管理和工期管理。

    In this paper , some construction management experience in project of building monolithic movement is summarized , the characteristics in the construction of new technology are discussed , and some advice about quality control and time control is put forward .

  9. 建设工程在FIDIC施工合同条件下的工期索赔管理是工程项目管理工作的一个重要环节。

    Management of working-day claims for construction projects in FIDIC construction contracts is an important part of project management .

  10. 建筑工程项目工期风险管理的研究

    Research on Risk Management of Time Limit of Constructional Project

  11. 基于公平原则的多因素影响施工合同工期的管理研究

    Study on Multiple Factors Affecting Project Schedule Supervision Based on Equitable Principle

  12. 次关键路线法在施工工期优化管理中的应用研究

    Applicability - Studies of The Secondary Critical Path Planing in The Construction Optimum Management

  13. 型号项目工期风险管理决策模型与自适应遗传算法

    The Risk Management Decision Model of the Model Project Duration and Adaptive Genetic Algorithm

  14. 论文的研究,期望对建筑工程项目的工期风险管理提供一种有效的方法。

    The research is expected to present a valid risk-management method on the time limit for a construction project .

  15. 机组大修后热态评价表明机组大修后质量方面达到了优的标准,大修过程中工期、管理、材料以及费用等方面也都达到了优的标准。

    After the overhaul , the evaluation indicates that the quality reached the quality standard , the overhaul of schedule ; management ; materials and cost are also reached the optimal criteria .

  16. 在EPC总承包模式的项目中,设计管理同样处于整个项目工作的核心地位,对项目质量、工期和成本管理等有着最重要的和最直接的影响。

    In the EPC-mode engineering general contracting project , design management is still in the core position of the whole project and thus has the most important and direct influence on project quality , completion time and cost management .

  17. 爆破拆除工程工期与进度管理探讨

    Progress and Time Limit Control of Blasting Demolition Project

  18. 对总工期实行阶段管理。

    To general construction time use stage management .

  19. 其中半刚性连接可以缩短建设工期,降低管理成本,可以产生良好的经济效益。

    The semi-rigid connections can shorten the construction period , reduce management costs , and produce good economic benefits .

  20. 针对型号项目的过程特点,建立了型号项目工期风险的管理决策模型。

    According to the characteristics of the process of the model project , the risk management decision model of the model project is presented .

  21. 成本、质量、工期是项目管理的三大要素和重要目标,且三者之间是互相影响和牵制的。

    Cost , quality , time limit for a project are three main factors of project management and the important target , and the three is interact with each other and contain .

  22. 美国人的时间观加强工期控制和成本管理,提高项目法施工水平

    Increasing the Level of Project Construction by Intensifying the Controls of Time Limit and Cost

  23. 物资管理工作对于燃气集团来说有着不可忽视的重要性,物资管理水平的高低对控制工程成本,确保工程质量,保障安全供气,保障工期进度,提高管理水平都十分重要。

    Material Management has played a very important role for cost , quality and progress of project in Gas Corporation .

  24. 所以,需要在项目管理中实行对工期和成本集成管理的挣值管理方法,从而实现真正的动态控制。

    So , it is necessary that earned value management which integrates cost and time uses in the project management , thus the real trends control are realized .

  25. 基本建设投资管理是基本建设质量、投资、工期的三大管理目标之一,也是降低工程建设成本,提高基本建设投资效益的重要手段。

    The investigation management of basic construction is one of three targets , which are the management of quality , investigation and project time limit . Either it is an important method of reducing the construction cost and improving the investigation benefit .

  26. 为加强设备管理,济钢装备部通过实行隐性工期和显性工期管理,探索出了争创设备检修效益最大化的工期管理新模式,缩短了济钢主要设备的停产检修时间。

    In order to strengthen equipment management the equipment department of Jinan iron and steel group has explored out new project time management model with biggest profit in check and repair of equipment by means of adopting recessive project time management and dominant project time management .

  27. 质量目标、工期目标、成本目标是工程项目管理的三大目标,因此,对工期进行风险管理不可忽视。

    So the time limit for a project , as one of the three targets of an engineering-project management , must be carries on the risk analysis .

  28. 此方法可应用于工程项目建设工期定额的修订与完善,以及建设工期定额的执行和建设工期的决策与管理。

    This method may use in revision and perfection of quota in completion time of project , and use in the decision and management of completion time of project .