
  • 网络job satisfaction
  1. Lencioni认为之所以这样,大部分原因在于经理,他们是员工获得工作满足感的关键因素。

    Lencioni blames much of the problem on managers , who are a key factor in the job satisfaction ( or dissatisfaction ) of their employees .

  2. 这种相对关系会影响员工的工作满足感,影响组织行为。

    This relationship will affect their job satisfaction and their organizational behaviour .

  3. 1.jobsatisfaction工作满足感这一职位报酬很低,但是给人很大的满足感。

    The position is badly paid but it gives lots of job satisfaction .

  4. 实验证明本工作满足实际要求,系统能够达到比较高的密度分辨率和空间分辨率,CT重建软件设计是成功的。

    The experiment showed that the CT construction realized by the paper has a high density and space distinguishable abilities . The designing for CT construction software is successful .

  5. 钱就是钱,工作满足了他们的这个需求。

    Money is money and the job suits their needs .

  6. 搞好教材供应工作满足教学需要

    Do the Supply of the Teaching Material well and Satisfy the Teaching Need

  7. 总的来说,比起工业标准,雇员会有更高的工作满足感。

    The employees as a whole had higher job satisfaction than industry norms .

  8. 结果提高病人对护士的满意度,提高护士工作满足感。

    Results Patients satisfaction degree and the job satisfaction of nursing staff were improved .

  9. 对解码算法进行优化工作满足实时解码的要求;

    Software optimization of MPEG-4 decoding algorithm ;

  10. 此外知识分享在个体工作满足与组织创新能力的中介效果部分成立。

    In addition , the moderating effects among employee satisfaction and organization innovation capability in knowledge sharing .

  11. 不同所有制企业职工工作满足感比较

    The Comparison of Job Satisfaction Between Workers of State owned Enterprises and Those in Foreign Capital Enterprises

  12. 最后,本研究利用多群体分析,发现工作满足与组织承诺,会受到不同职务的调节。

    Finally , we used multi-group approach and found that job satisfaction and organizational commitment were moderated by position .

  13. 最后以相关分析和回归分析来探讨工作满足与工作绩效之间的关系。

    At last the correlate analysis and regression analysis are use to examine the relations of job satisfaction and job efficiency .

  14. 虽然大多数人认为薪资是影响工作满足感的最重要的因素,同事关系也是不容忽视的问题。

    Although most people claim salary to be the most important factor of job satisfaction , this issue should not be undermined .

  15. 你可能会感到惊讶,在工作满足感的清单上面,金钱排名并不是第一位。

    You may be surprised to learn that money isn 't at the top of the list when it comes to job satisfaction .

  16. 尽管把宠物带到上班的地方实施起来有一定的难度,但来自一家美国公司的试验表明这一做法提高了人们的工作满足感。

    Although bringing a pet to work could come with practical difficulties , a trial at an American company suggested it improved people 's job satisfaction .

  17. 进行结构方程模式分析,其结果如下:(1)工作满足对组织承诺有正向影响。

    After conducting statistical analysis and estimation using structural equation modeling , findings included : ( 1 ) job satisfaction has positive effects on organizational commitment ;

  18. 相反,你可以提议一些他能为你的事业办到的实事,这样或许会让他获得一些工作满足感,甚至可能是个人荣誉。

    Instead suggest something specific that he can feasibly do for the cause that might earn him a bit of job satisfaction , and possibly even personal glory .

  19. 目的通过对护理人员排班的改革,合理分配有限的护理人力资源,满足临床护理的需求,提高护理人员的工作满足感。

    Objective The arrangement of nursing manpower resources were done by reforming nursing scheduling to meet the needs of health care and improve the job satisfaction of staff nurses .

  20. 尽管外企正采取措施,通过专注于薪酬、职业发展及工作满足感等问题,保护人才,但雷东多警告称,这方面存在局限性。

    While foreign companies are taking steps to protect their talent by focusing on salaries , career development and job satisfaction , Mr Redondo warned that there were limits .

  21. 从长远来看,我们的工作满足感并不来自于收入,满足感主要包括同伴关系、进行有意义项目工作的能力甚至于领导机会。

    In the long run , we derive job satisfaction from non-monetary sources , which include positive peer relationships , the ability to work on meaningful projects and even leadership opportunities .

  22. 负责这项研究的伦道夫巴克说:“在这些天里,狗狗在身边和不在身边时人们显示出的压力差别很明显。总的来说,比起工业标准,雇员会有更高的工作满足感。”

    Randolph Barker , who led the study , said : " The differences in perceived stress between days the dog was present and absent were significant . The employees as a whole had higher job satisfaction than industry norms . "

  23. 抽出一两分钟时间来冥想一下,一次花几分钟时间来专注呼吸和保持姿势的练习,即使只有短短的几次,冥想就能帮助减少焦虑,提高注意力,从而转化成较高的生产力和较好的工作满足感。

    Instead , set aside a minute or two for " micro meditations , " the practice of paying attention to breath and posture for just a few minutes at a time . Even in short doses , meditation reduces anxiety and improves concentration , which can translate to higher productivity and better job satisfaction .

  24. 这项工作没有满足她的期望。

    The job failed to measure up to her expectations .

  25. 在给定系统的技术指标基础上,利用Matlab对解调过程进行仿真,确定差分检测系统正常工作需要满足的条件;

    Moreover , the demodulation is simulated with Matlab to ensure the essential conditions for the detection system to run normally .

  26. 兽药企业的计量工作如何满足FDA认证的需要

    How fo meet the requirements of FDA approval on management of measures in veterinary drug enterprises

  27. fulfillvt.履行,满足,实现你现在的工作能满足你的期望吗?

    eg : Does your job fulfill your expectations ?

  28. XP专业人员使用测试驱动的开发(Test-DrivenDevelopment,TDD)和持续的集成来保持开发目标(即使用工作代码满足需求)。

    XP practitioners use test-driven development ( TDD ) and continuous integration to keep the development focus on meeting the requirements with working code .

  29. 由于舰艇电磁环境极其复杂,合理分配、布局舰艇通信系统资源,使舰艇通信系统各设备协调工作,满足电磁兼容(EMC)要求是保障通信畅通的必要条件。

    Due to the complex electromagnetic environment of ship , it is necessary to appropriately distribute and layout resources of the communication system of ship , to make them work coordinately and to satisfy requirements of EMC .

  30. 在MFC提供的框架上实现结构化,采用主线程、辅助线程和多媒体定时器任务同时协调工作,满足工业控制实时性要求。

    The structuring is implemented through the MFC framework . A main thread , a worker thread and a multimedia timer task are executed parallel to meet the real time requirement of the industry control .