
  • 网络log;Work Log;logbook;job log;Workplace Log
  1. 除了分析报表记录,BuildForge工作日志还提供了分析报表历史。

    In addition to the analysis report record , the Build Forge job log also provides an analysis report history .

  2. 当您运行一个分析过程作为一个BuildForge的项目,在BuildForge的工作日志会建立一个分析报表的链接。

    When you run an analysis as a Build Forge project , a link to the analysis report is created in the Build Forge job log .

  3. 该模块通过BREW平台编程来实现手机用户对工作日志的上传和下载的功能。

    The module was programmed to achieve the BREW platform for mobile phone users to upload and download job log function .

  4. 可以使用2.3键将工作日志打印出来。

    The working log can be printed out with key2.3 .

  5. 这是从救护上那到的工作日志?

    The trip log we got out of the ambulance ?

  6. 史蒂文:好的。我去拿我的工作日志。

    Steven : ok . I 'll get my calendar .

  7. 航空无线电台工作日志日本无线电导航委员会

    Aeronautical communications log Japanese Committee for Radio Aids to Navigation

  8. 英文工作日志与备忘录的文体特点

    Stylistic Features of the English Daily Log and Memorandum

  9. 航空无线电台工作日志

    Aeronautical communications log to get a joB in radio

  10. 系统应有系统工作日志,详细记录所有的操作过程。

    The system shall have operation log showing the details of all operation .

  11. 如果按相应的软键,则此项目将保存在工作日志中。

    This item is saved in the working log if the corresponding softkey is pressed .

  12. 书写工作日志。

    Write down the log book .

  13. 我们可以记录在工作日志的一角,每天花5分钟时间朗读和背诵。

    We can write it on your logbook and take 5 minutes to read and recite .

  14. 航空无线电导航业务航空无线电台工作日志

    Aeronautical radionavigation service aeronautical communications log

  15. 每月更新总经理工作日志。

    Update GM monthly working schedule .

  16. 航空无线电台工作日志无线电通信工作程序

    Aeronautical communications log radio procedure

  17. 我还决定坚持写工作日志,决定该做什么,以及什么时候做。

    I have also decided to keep a log of what I do and when I do it .

  18. 上周我们的工作日志上记录有多少停工的时间?

    To check out formally at a job upon departure . How much downtime did we log last week ?

  19. 详细情况将记录于工作日志中并由双方的工地代表签署。

    Details of which shall be recorded in a log Book and signed by Site Representative of the two Parties .

  20. 利用手术室工作日志数据,我们确定了手术率、实施的外科手术的类型和手术室内的手术治疗效果。

    Using theatre logbook data , we determined the surgical rates , types of surgery performed and in-theatre surgical outcomes .

  21. 如对员工客户锁定,放权等。部门主管:对该部门下员工进行网上管理,可查看员工的工作日志情况,留言,评语等。

    Department heads : the department staff under the line management of staff can view the log case , comments , reviews and so on .

  22. 测试结果表明系统安全可靠、运行稳定,无线工作日志模块基本满足外出办公人员需求。

    The results show that the system is safe , reliable and stable , the work log module wireless office staff out to meet basic needs .

  23. 网络办公平台使我们实现了无纸化办公,其中工作日志管理系统就是网络办公平台中的重要组成部分。

    The network office platform enables us to build a paperless office , in which work log management system is an important component of the network office platform .

  24. 韦里蒂先生获得的国防部长海外访问的行程工作日志,也构成对福克斯和随行官员的某种程度上的安全风险。

    Mr Werritty 's access to the defence secretary 's diary of overseas visits also posed a " degree of security risk " to Dr Fox and accompanying officials .

  25. 由于前段时间一直都比较忙,没有时间把工作日志上传到博客里,所以现在把整理好的日志一起传上来。

    I was busier in the last period , I could not copy my working dairy to this blog , so I have to copy them into together now .

  26. 它包括会员管理、在线购物、订单查询、在线填写工作日志和后台安全管理等模块,辅以信息浏览和物性数据查询功能。

    The following parts , the member administration , the shopping online , the order query , the working log online and the administration at background for security composed it .

  27. 方法将计算机技术应用于医嘱管理、药房发药、病区药品管理、供应室管理、病区工作日志、护理工作量统计、护理办公自动化等方面。

    Methods We apply computer technology to various phases of nursing management process , such as order management , drug dispensing , ward drug management , management of sterilized equipment , ward work log , nursing workload statistics and nursing office automatization .

  28. 提出XML树结构相似度算法,为后面的工作更多日志融合做准备。

    Put forward the XML tree structure Similarity algorithm and preparation for fusion of log .

  29. DB2将继续把日志记录写入能工作的日志路径中。

    DB2 will continue writing log records to good log paths .

  30. 运行时所报告的所有例外情况都存储在ErrorLog(工作区的日志文件)视图中。

    Any exceptions reported during runtime are stacked in the Error Log view ( log file of the workspace ) .