
ɡōnɡ zuò nián xiàn
  • Years of service;working seniority
  1. 录用标准取决于年龄和工作年限。

    The cut-off point depends on age and length of employment

  2. 在发达国家,与技术水平较低的人相比,受教育程度较高的人工作年限越来越长。

    Across the rich world , well-educated people increasingly work longer than the less-skilled .

  3. 预期寿命的延长以及慷慨的固定养老金计划被不再慷慨的固定缴费养老金计划所替代,这些都意味着甚至有钱人也必须延长工作年限以获得舒适的退休生活。

    Rising life expectancy , combined with the replacement of generous defined-benefit pension plans with less generous defined-contribution ones , means that even the better-off must work longer to have a comfortable retirement .

  4. 不同工作年限的护理人员对《条例》的掌握程度无显著性差异(P0.05);

    There was no significant different among the nurses with the different working years ( P 0.05 );

  5. 不同ICU工作年限的学员理论成绩差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。

    But there was no difference among the trainees with different working years ( P > 0.05 ) .

  6. 不同年龄、工作年限儿科护士心理健康得分差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    The scores data of pediatric nurses ' mental health collected with different ages , work ages and marital status have statistical significance ( P0.05 ) .

  7. 在斯坦福(Stanford),即将入学学生的平均工作年限为3.8年,而2001年为5年。

    At Stanford , the average number of years of work experience for the incoming class is 3.8 years , compared to an average of five years in 2001 .

  8. 连锁便利店Sheetz非常珍惜有年头的事物,因此也会根据工作年限对员工给予不同程度的奖励。

    The convenience store chain values longevity and rewards staff for years on the job .

  9. 由于工作年限较长,他们的工资要高一点。

    They are paid more because of their long years of service .

  10. 不同工作年限的辅导员差异显著。

    The university instructors with different work seniority differ significantly . 2 .

  11. 缩短工作年限有效促进就业

    Promote Employment Effectively by Reducing Ceiling Age of Work

  12. 性别和学历的主效应不显著,但与医院级别和工作年限在职业倦怠的不同维度出现交互作用。

    There were no significant differences in the factors of gender and degree .

  13. 允许从业者延长工作年限对于企业来说是有好处的。

    Allowing workers who wish to work longer has clear advantages for business .

  14. 成批伤员抢救中护士最适宜工作年限分析

    Analysis of Most Suitable Work Duration of Nurses Offering Rescue for Wounded in Groups

  15. 因工作年限的不同,自然产生不同的自我认知。

    Different work-life , natural produce different self-perception .

  16. 许多国家正在修改劳动法,延长国民的工作年限。

    Employment law is changing in order to keep people in work for longer .

  17. 经济补偿金支付的标准应参照工作年限和工资来确定。

    Reference to wages and working years to determine the standard of economic compensation funds .

  18. 异同点包括:企业性质、学历、性别、工作年限。

    Differences include : the nature of business . education , gender , work experience .

  19. 不同工作年限的刑警在职业承诺方面无显著性差异。

    Criminal policemen with years of working experience show no striking differences in professional promise .

  20. 平均工作年限:10–11年

    Average years of work experience : 10-11

  21. 平均工作年限:9年

    Average years of work experience : 9

  22. 平均工作年限:15年

    Average years of work experience : 15

  23. 工作年限、专业与掌握和了解精神卫生知识无显著关系。

    Years of practicing and specialties were not correlated to the mental health knowledge level .

  24. 平均工作年限:14年

    Average years of work experience : 14

  25. 人类寿命的延长或健康状况的提升并没有带来随之相伴的个人工作年限的延长。

    Longer life expectancy and better health have not been accompanied by longer working lives .

  26. 教练员的学历较高,工作年限较少,过于年轻化,职称较低。

    Coaches higher education , fewer years of work , too young , lower rank .

  27. 医生吸烟率随着工作年限的增加呈上升趋势;

    Doctor smoking rate assumed the trend of escalation along with the working year increase ;

  28. 平均工作年限:13年

    Average years of work experience : 13

  29. 其中工作年限、职务、收入、企业性质影响显著。

    Work tenure , position , income and enterprise property have a significant impact on it .

  30. 不同工作年限的员工,关系型心理契约有显著差异。

    Relational psychological contract has different influences on employee with different length of service . 4 .