
  1. 基于DSP运动控制器的5R工业机器人系统设计

    Design of 5R Industrial Robot System Based on DSP Motion Controller

  2. 面向工业机器人系统的三种可靠度配置策略的研究

    Research on three reliability distribution methods of an industrial robot system

  3. 面向工业机器人系统的可靠性预测方法研究

    Study on Reliability Prediction Method of Industrial Robot System

  4. 串联工业机器人系统可靠度的一种两级优化分配及其算法

    A Two-level Reliability Optimizing Distribution and Its Algorithms for Series Industry Robot Systems

  5. 一种开放式平面关节型工业机器人系统

    An open industrial robot system of SCARA type

  6. 等离子喷焊工业机器人系统机械总体设计和制造技术中的特点

    The Characteristics of Overall Design and Manufacturing Technique in Implementing a Plasma Spraying Welding Robotic System

  7. 多工业机器人系统中多级协作视觉系统的设计

    Design of the Multilevel Cooperation Vision System for Industry Multi-Robot Systems ; International Cooperation on Marine Engineering Systems

  8. 提出一种面向工业机器人系统可靠度配置的定量评价方法(RDEM)。

    A sort of quantificational evaluation method is proposed in this paper for reliability distribution of industrial robot system .

  9. 阐述了工业机器人系统可靠性研究的意义和基本思路,提出了工业机器人可靠性预测的模型和方法。

    Basic way of thinking on robot system reliability study is put forward . Reliability prediction theory of robot system is established .

  10. 本文将逆系统和函数信号复现技术同自适应控制技术相结合,针对多关节型工业机器人系统,提出了一种新的自适应轨迹跟踪控制方案。

    A self-adaptive trajectory-tracking control scheme for robotic manipulators is proposed based on both the inverse system and the function signal reproducing and adaptive control techniques .

  11. 机器人作业系统本质上也是制造系统,因此可以利用制造系统的相关概念和技术方法来解决工业机器人系统领域的问题。

    Therefore , we can make use of relative concepts and technical methods in the field of manufacturing system to solve problems in the field of industrial robot system .

  12. 因此机械手就在这样诞生了,机械手是工业机器人系统中传统的任务执行机构,是机器人的关键部件之一。

    Therefore , in this way the robot was born , the industrial robot manipulator system , the traditional task of implementing agencies , is one of the key components of the robot .

  13. 就双机器人搬运刚体之外的复杂作业提出了面向操作物的运动描述与规划方法,以及适应于工业机器人系统的基于关节位置控制的协调控制策略。

    For complex tasks except for carrying a rigid object with two robots , object motion oriented motion description and trajectory planning method is presented , which is suitable for almost all tasks for two robots . Coordination control for two industrial robots is designed and implemented .

  14. 基于PC的工业机器人教学系统通信模块的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of the Teaching System Communication Module of Industrial Robots Based on PC

  15. 本文介绍了一个在WINDOWSnt平台上开发的工业机器人控制系统,该系统可在通用的工业计算机上运行,系统运行环境为WINDOWSnt加RTX实时扩展,可保证良好的实时性。

    This paper introduces a industrial robotic control system based on Windows NT . This robotic control system can run at general industrial computers . Owing to using Windows NT operation system and RTX real time extension , the control system can achieve good real time performance .

  16. 基于机器视觉的工业机器人定位系统

    Stereo Vision for Tracking and Location System Working on Industrial Robot

  17. 工业机器人液压系统污染控制及可靠性研究

    The Investigation of Contamination Control and Reliability of Industrial Robots

  18. 工业机器人仿真系统碰撞检测快速算法

    Fast Collision Detection Algorithm for Industrial Robots Simulation System

  19. 工业机器人控制系统的开放体系结构

    Open system architecture for control system for industrial robot

  20. 工业机器人控制系统中的伪微分反馈控制

    Pseudo-derivative feedback control in control system of industrial robot

  21. 焊接工业机器人伺服系统的分析与设计

    Analysis and design of servo system for welding robot

  22. 基于现场总线的工业机器人监控系统研究

    Research on Telerobotics System Based on Field Bus

  23. 基于解耦型球关节的工业机器人控制系统研究初探

    Tentative research on the control system of a kind of industrial robot based on the decoupling spheric joint

  24. 不确定性机器人的几种智能控制研究基于机器视觉的工业机器人定位系统

    Some Intelligent Control for Robot with Uncertainties Stereo Vision for Tracking and Location System Working on Industrial Robot

  25. 然后详细地介绍了整个工业机器人视觉系统的软硬件组成以及摄像机的定标问题。

    Afterwards we expound the whole industrial robot software and hardware and the problem about the camera calibration .

  26. 然后结合具体应用实际,对在工业焊接机器人系统设计开发中需要解决的几个问题进行了相应的分析。

    Secondly , some key issues of the design and development of industrial weld robot system are analyzed with the current situation .

  27. 机器人的轨迹规划属于机器人的底层规划,它将影响机器人的稳定性和精确性,是工业机器人控制系统中不可缺少的一部分,所以一直是研究人员关注的重点。

    Trajectory planning is the basic planning of industrial robot . It would affect stability and accuracy . And it is the indispensable one of the industrial-robot control systems .

  28. 基于视频的目标检测与跟踪技术是计算机视觉的主要研究方向之一,它是智能监控、人机交互、移动机器人视觉导航、工业机器人手眼系统等应用的基础和关键技术。

    The thesis is focused on the study of Electro-optical Navigation based on DSP , including the design of the hardware platform and algorithm software module for moving object detection and tracking .

  29. 基于PLC的新型工业码垛机器人控制系统设计

    Control System Design of Palletizing Robot Based on PLC Technology

  30. 通过本文的研究工作,开发了基于VC++和OpenGL的五自由度工业机器人的仿真系统。

    Via the research in this thesis , the simulation system of 5R robot based on VC + + and OpenGL is developed .