
chà kǒu
  • fork;road junction
岔口 [chà kǒu]
  • [road junction] 道路的分岔处

岔口[chà kǒu]
  1. 他们把他送到岔口。

    They saw him to a fork in the road .

  2. 又是一个转折点,一个岔口分开了道路。

    Another turning point , a fork stuck in the road .

  3. 发现了气泡在T型分岔口的六种不同行为。

    Six different flow regimes were observed in the T-junction divergence .

  4. 城市立交桥异形箱梁匝道岔口分析

    Analysis on Crotches of Irregular Box Girder Ramp of Urban Grade Separation

  5. 他们在大路的岔口处分道而行。

    Their path diverged at the fork in the road .

  6. 我想您可能会喜欢三岔口。它很受欢迎。

    I think you might like Divergence . It 's very popular .

  7. 他们在路岔口分手了。

    They parted at the fork of the road .

  8. 走到岔口处向左拐。

    Go up to the fork and turn left .

  9. 那座房子就在过了路岔口的左边。

    The house is on the left just past the fork in the road .

  10. 高炉出铁沟岔口用超低水泥浇注料预制件的研制

    Development of Ultra Low Cement Prefabricated Part for Fork Location of Blast Furnace Lander

  11. 圆形水工隧洞(管道)分岔口相贯线方程的计算与应用

    The Calculation and Application of the Equation of Intersection Line for Circular Hydraulic Tunnel Intersection

  12. 你走到这条路的分岔口时,就向右拐。

    When you get to the fork in the road , bear to the right .

  13. 伪斜工作面过亚眼交岔口处顶板失稳成因探讨

    Discussion on unstability cause of roof when oblique longwall mining face passing secondary cross section

  14. 顺着这条大路走,在路的分岔口向右拐。

    Follow the main road until it branches , and then turn to the right .

  15. 浅谈大断面黄土隧道斜井三岔口地段挑顶施工

    On roof ripping construction of incline shaft of large section loess tunnel in fork road section

  16. 在前两个岔口朝左边走,到第三个岔口时走右边。

    Stay to theft at the first two forks but go right at the third one .

  17. 内蒙集宁三岔口地区早前寒武纪变质作用演化研究中朝克拉通北部早前寒武纪变质作用演化的三种主要样式及其地质动力学

    Three main styles of Early Precambrian metamorphic evolution in northern Sino Korea Craton and their geodynamics

  18. 大三,在这个人生的分岔口上,我必须要想我真正想要的是什么。

    In the intersection of my life , I must think about which is I really want .

  19. 分析了近两年来海河三岔口断面的水质状况;

    This article summarized the water quality of the Sanchakou Section in Haihe River in recent years .

  20. 你终于走到了人生的开端,第一个旅途的岔口。

    You finally reached the beginning of life , a journey of intersection . No , perhaps NO.

  21. 在这个夏天从德国凯旋而归之后,尤文队长站到了人生分岔口上。

    Following this summer 's triumph in Germany , the captain had some big choices to make .

  22. 大道向左分出一条岔路。你走到这条路的分岔口时,就向右拐。

    The main road branches off to the left . When you get to the fork in the road , bear right .

  23. 海上的航线就和陆地上的公路一样,也有很多交叉的地方,也就是岔口,我们刚刚经过的好望角就是其中之一。

    The Cape of Good Hope , and all the watery region round about there , is much like some noted four corners of a great highway ,

  24. 顺着这条大路走,在路的分岔口向右拐。当你到了道路的岔口时,向左拐。

    Follow the main road until it branches , and then turn to the right . When you get to the fork in the road , go left .

  25. 基于气泡在分岔口出口的成对行为,提供了一种气泡管理中的成对气泡生成的方法。

    A new method for bubble management was provided for generating pair bubbles , based on the recombination behavior of dual bubbles at the outlet of the loop .

  26. 三岔口铜矿含矿主岩为海西中期石英闪长岩&闪长岩体边缘相石类闪长(玢)岩和英云闪长斑岩。

    The mother rocks of copper deposit in Sanchakou are quartz diorite ( porphyrite ) and quartz-mica-diorite-porphyrite of marginal facies from quartz-diorite and diorite rock body of middle Hercynian .

  27. 在三岔路口,五六个人站在栅子跟前,仰起头读墙上贴的告示。觉新们也把告示读了。当你到了道路的岔口时,向左拐。

    Beside a barrier at a fork in the road , they came upon half a dozen men reading an announcement posted on the wall . When you get to the fork in the road , go left .

  28. 在独立学院发展的重要历史关口,面临三种抉择,可谓走到三岔口,为有效解决发展中的困难与快速突围政策执行困境,其制度变迁应再一次做出积极的探索与应变。

    At an important historic juncture in their development , independent colleges are faced with three choices . To offer an effective solution to the difficulties in their development and the plight of policy implementation , active exploration should be made again in institutional change .

  29. 阀门前后、弯头、管道凸起处和分岔口处,以及水锤汇合叠加的位置都是水锤压力最大值极易产生的地方,而负压破坏最常出现的地方是阀后部位。

    The location of before and after the valve , elbow , raised , pipes bump and convergence superposition of water hammer , which are easy to produce water hammer pressure maximum value , but the location of negative pressure damaged is often after valve .