
shān hé
  • Shanhe;mountains and rivers -- the land of a country;mountains and rivers-the land of a country
山河 [shān hé]
  • [mountains and rivers-the land of a country] 山岭和河流,指国家的疆土

  • 锦锈山河

山河[shān hé]
  1. 山河依旧。

    The mountains and rivers remain as they were before .

  2. 新年将至,惟愿山河锦绣、国泰民安!

    The New Year is coming . I wish our land to be splendid , our country to be prosperous , and our people to live in peace .

  3. 铅山河金属污染物(Cu、Fe)迁移规律及污染预测研究

    A study on law of migration and prediction of metallic pollution of copper and iron in Qianshan River

  4. 正如14世纪的彼得拉克(Petrarch)攀登旺图山饱览山河,开启了文艺复兴的大门,开辟了崭新的思维方式,而塞尚,借助自己瑰丽的视野,也永远改变了我们思考与欣赏事物的方式。

    Like Petrarch in the 14th century , who opened the door to the Renaissance and to new ways of thinking when he climbed Mont Ventoux simply to take in the view , C é zanne , by power of his vision , also changed forever the way we think and see .

  5. 国破山河在中国字释义辨析

    Explanation of the word country in defeated country with its territory

  6. 且将山河编织成诗行。

    Mountains and rivers and will weave into a poem lines .

  7. 环山河小水库群调洪演算技术路线

    Flood Regulating and Calculating Technical Line for Huanshan River Reservoir Group

  8. 我们的祖国历史悠久,山河壮丽。

    Our motherland has a long history and magnificent scenery .

  9. 铅山河流域洪灾及综合治理

    Flood disaster and comprehensive treatment of the Yanshan River Basin

  10. 衡阳市山河水库综合治理及开发利用研究

    Comprehensive control and development in mountains , rivers and reservoirs in Hengyang City

  11. 汕头市山河电器实业公司

    Shantou Shanhe ( River ) Electric Equipment Industrial Co

  12. 俯视山河平原绿,万紫千红人笑颜。

    Overlooking the mountains and rivers plain green , and colorful people smile .

  13. 一个是把“四十年来家国,三千里路山河”拱手送与他人的南唐后主。

    Li Yi is the Southern Tang emperor who gives way to other people .

  14. 何清华:从瑶山“乌托邦”到山河智能产业园

    He Qinghua : From " Utopia " in Mountain Yao to Sunward Intelligent Park

  15. 山河壮丽,岁月峥嵘!

    Majestic mountains and rivers , emerged years !

  16. 祖国的好山河寸土不让。我祖父对我父亲很严厉,却很纵容我们孙辈们。

    My grandfather was heavy-handed with my father but very indulgent with us grandchildren .

  17. 中国屹立世东方,山河壮丽龙人传。

    Oriental Bank of China tower , the magnificent mountains and rivers Long Biographies .

  18. 贾樟柯的《山河故人》恰好根据时间节点被分为三个部分。

    Jia Zhangke 's Mountains May Depart is neatly divided into three time periods .

  19. 福建福安白云山河床侵蚀微地貌特征及成因浅析

    On the Characteristics and Genesis of the Channel Erosion Microtopography in Baiyun Mountain of Fu'an City

  20. 湖南省山河库湖综合治理及可持续发展战略与对策研究

    The study on the comprehensive harnessing of mountains , rivers , reservoirs and lakes of Hunan Province

  21. 国破山河在,有家不能回的寂寞;

    Broken mountains and rivers in the country , a family could not return to the lonely ;

  22. 山河、人物与历史&顾亭林北游的文化心境透视

    Scenery , Character and History & The Culture Comprehension of Gu Ting-lin 's Touring in North China

  23. 该公告结束了《狼图腾》和《山河故人》制片方的激烈竞争。

    The announcement ended a fierce competition between the producers of Wolf Totem and Mountains May Depart .

  24. 劳动歌谣震山河&巴渠民间文学、民俗研究之十

    Work Songs Shake Mountains and Rivers & Study of Ba Qu Folk Literature and Customs : Part Ten

  25. 神州奋起,国家繁荣;山河壮丽,岁月峥嵘;江山不老,祖国常春!

    Divine advancement , and national prosperity ; Shan magnificent years emerged ; Jiangshan not old Changchun motherland !

  26. 就让我们以武术的名义重振山河,让我们谱写和赞美那些英雄的传奇!

    Let 's revive the country in the name of martial art to compose and praise hero legends .

  27. 话说第一只毛毛虫,有一天爬呀爬呀过山河,终于来到这棵苹果树下。

    One day , the first caterpillar climbed over mountains and rivers , finally came under the apple tree .

  28. 而北宋最终以山河丧失的代价,促成了中国文化艺术史上的巅峰一刻,园林艺术正在其中。

    Finally , the Chinese culture and art reaches the peak in the Bei Song dynasty and landscape architecture is one example .

  29. 山河孕育美丽的风景,孩子是我们最大的骄傲,遗传了母亲善良的双眸和父亲的智慧。

    River and hill make nicest scenery , child who genetic mother 's eye and father 's intelligence is our biggest pride .

  30. 中国电视剧《山河令》自2月底在海外上映以来,受到国外观众的欢迎。

    Chinese TV series Word of Honor has been gaining in popularity among foreign viewers since its release overseas in late February .