
shān dì
  • mountainous region;upland;hilly area;hilly country;fields on a hill
山地 [shān dì]
  • (1) [mountainous region]∶许多山岭、山谷连绵交错组合而成的地区。高差一般在200米以上,地质复杂

  • (2) [hilly country]∶多山的地带

  • (3) [fields on a hill]∶在山上的农业用地

山地[shān dì]
  1. 根据山地刺槐林的生长规律,将其更新年龄定为10a为宜。

    For the black locust in mountainous region the rotation age of ten years is recommended according to its growth pattern .

  2. 利用陆地卫星TM图像作为遥感信息源,运用GIS新技术方法,结合地学、生态学分析,以陕南山地为例,建立了山地生态环境定量评价标准、评价体系及模式。

    Base TM image of landsat on the resource of remote-sensing information , using G1S new technology and the analysis methods of geography and ecology , taking the mountainous region in Southern Shaanxi Province as an example , the mountainous region eco-environment quantitative evaluation standard , system and model .

  3. 提供的活动项目有帆船运动和山地骑车。

    The activities on offer include sailing and mountain biking .

  4. 她开门见山地把坏消息告诉了他。

    She gave him the bad news without preamble .

  5. 山地气候难以预料是人所共知的。

    Mountain weather is notoriously difficult to predict .

  6. 我开门见山地说吧——你的工作做得不够好。

    I 'll come straight to the point ─ your work isn 't good enough .

  7. 他开门见山地讲了起来。

    He began his story in medias res.

  8. 从山地奔流而下的水涌入河中引发了洪水。

    Flooding was caused by water gushing into rivers from uplands .

  9. 莉齐给自己买了辆山地自行车。

    Lizzie bought herself a mountain bike

  10. 她开门见山地说:“我想让你尽快回到别墅。”

    ' I would like you to return to the villa as soon as possible , ' she said without preamble .

  11. 他买了辆便宜的山地自行车。

    He bought a cheap mountain bike .

  12. 这种花生长在山地上。

    This flower grows on a hilly area .

  13. 另外,山地徒步能帮助你增加、强健腿部肌肉。

    What 's more , if you hike on hills , it helps to build and strengthen leg muscles .

  14. 她非常坦率地、开门见山地答复了我。

    She answered me very directly and openly .

  15. 山地开发经济分析的GIS软件实现方法

    Researches on Applying GIS Technique to Economic Analysis of Forest Area Development

  16. GIS技术在山地规划设计中的应用

    Application of GIS in Mountainous Region Planning

  17. 山地枇杷果园施用TC土壤改良剂的效应研究

    Studies on the effects of employing TC soil-conditioners in mountain loquat orchard

  18. 基于DEM的山地森林流域分布式水文模型研究

    Study of Mountainous Forest Watershed Distributed Hydrological Model Based on DEM

  19. 基于DEM的山地可照时间的空间分布

    Spatial distribution of duration of possible sunshine based on DEM in mountain area

  20. I/OIMAGE系统是当今石油勘探领域先进的仪器之一,文中作者结合自己在山地的实践对这套仪器从应用到故障排除给予了详尽的介绍。

    I / O IMAGE system is one of the most advanced apparatuses in current oil exploration realm . The authors introduced in detail the set of apparatus from application to trouble removal by our practices in mountains .

  21. 本论文的研究性质为利用CFD技术模拟山地城市临江大型建筑的室内外热环境。

    This paper belongs to applying CFD technology to simulate the indoor and outdoor thermal environment of large construction beside the river in mountain city .

  22. 环境温度在26~38℃时,对山地麻蜥食物通过时间、摄食量、表观消化系数(ADC)、同化效率(AE)和运动表现有显著的影响;

    Temperature significantly affected food passage time , food intake , apparent digestive coefficient ( ADC ), assimilation efficiency ( AE ) and locomotor performance of lizards .

  23. 对东北东部山地的19年生樟子松人工林的降雨分配规律进行了2a的观测。

    The precipitation 's distribution law of the 19-year Scots pine plantation was observed in the east of the Northeast Hills for two years .

  24. 阐述了GIS技术、RS技术、GPS技术的功能及与山地型森林公园营建的结合,以及由此产生的对山地型森林公园营建速度、精度和效率的提升作用。

    The function of GIS technology , RS technology , GPS technology and the combination with the building of Forest Parks in mountain region were explained , which can promote the building speed , precision and efficiency of Forest Parks in the mountain regions .

  25. 在分析讨论传统山地交通地理信息分析方法弊端的基础上,对基于GIS及GIS-T的山地交通网的建设、管理使用等所需的相关地理信息的分析意义、技术方法等问题进行了探讨。

    Based on discussion of the abuses of traditionary analysis methods of mountain traffic geographic information , this paper discuses the analysis meaning and the methods of the information needed in the impolder and management of mountain traffic network by using GIS and GIS ? - T.

  26. 通过福建中部山地引种木麻黄造林试验,5a的研究结果表明:木麻黄无性系与实生苗造林保存率都较高,分别达到98.15%和96.8%,差异不显著。

    Introduction experiments of Casuarina equisetifolia in the middle part of mountain in Fujian was conducted . Five years results showed that afforestation preserving rate of clonal Casuarina equisetifolia and seedling plant were higher and reached 98.15 % and 96.8 % respectively .

  27. 说明基于PRT的陡坡山地建筑在北京山区应用有着光明的前景,最后从政策层面对北京陡坡山地开发提出建议。

    The study shows that , the application of PRT based steep land architecture in Beijing mountainous areas has a promising prospect . In the last , the study also details the proposal for Beijing steep mountain areas exploitation at the policy level .

  28. 山地雨林的年凋落物量平均为7.7±1.2t/ha,半落叶季雨林为9.7±2.3t/ha。

    The annual average of total litters of mountain rain forest and semi-deciduous monsoon forest are 7.7 ± 1.2 t / ha and 9.7 ± 2.3t/ha respectively .

  29. 中国是一个多山国家,山地城市灾害严峻。

    China is a mountainous country , mountainous city disaster grim .

  30. 总之,山地开发是我们必然的选择。

    In short , the mountain development is the inevitable choice .