
  • 网络mountain yellow brown soil
  1. 由于垂直地域分异作用,山地红壤的敏感性较大,其次为山地黄棕壤,山地黄壤为不敏感土壤;

    Due to the effect of vertical zonality , the sensitivity of the mountain red soil is the highest , that of the mountain yellow brown soil the next , and that of the mountain yellow earth the least .

  2. 其主要土壤类型为山地黄棕壤和石灰土及局部的山地沼泽土。

    The main soil types are mountain yellow-brown earth and limestone soil , and mountain marshy soils in localized areas .

  3. 选用南方草地土壤&山地黄棕壤进行盆栽试验,研究了氮锌复合作用对混播系统白三叶生长、根瘤发育、固氮及固氮产物转移的影响。

    Influences of the compound effects between nitrogen and zinc on growth , N-fixation and transfer of fixed nitrogen of white clover in mixed culture ;

  4. 分布区土壤主要是花岗岩、砂页岩、板岩发育的山地黄壤和黄棕壤。

    Soil of distribution is brown soil and yellow-brown soil which developed from granite , sandy shale , slate .

  5. 在山地黄壤和山地黄棕壤的分布地带内,尚有石灰土及低洼地的山地沼泽土和水稻土。

    In the area distributed with mountain yellow carth and mountain yellow-brown earth , there is limestone soil , and mountain marshy soils and paddy soils in smaller depressions .

  6. 从粘粒矿物组成和SiO2/Al2O3,判断,皖南山地上部不存在山地黄棕壤和山地棕壤。土壤垂直带谱主要由黄红壤和黄壤构成。

    Judging by the characteristics of the composition of the clay minerals and the silica-alumina ratios of clay , there are no mountain yellow-brown soil and mountain brown earth on the upper parts of the mountains in the southern Anhui Province .

  7. 大围山土壤分布自下而上依次为山地红壤、山地黄壤、山地黄棕壤和山地灌丛草甸土,在海拔1100m以上的山间盆地和凹地间有草甸、沼泽土分布。

    Soil distribution from the foot to the top were : mountain red soil , mountain yellow soil , mountain yellow-brown soil and mountain meadow soil . Above the 1100 m of absolute altitude of the intermountain basin is bog soil .