
shān bāo
  • small hill;hillock
山包 [shān bāo]
  • [hill] 〈方〉∶不高的小山

  • 一个小山包,一棵小树都是指挥员们观察研究的对象。--《奠基礼》

  1. 在山体滑坡的表面,我们能够看到有趣的山包,盘绕的丘陵和悬崖

    Interesting hummocks swirls and are found on the surface of the landslide .

  2. 于是,他们有时候就一起去附近的山包上捉虫子,然后烧着吃,他们管这个叫作“开昆虫PARTY”。

    Then sometimes they will go to catch insects on nearby hills together , and bake those insects , they called that " insetcs party " .

  3. 通过电极偏压来控制KT5C装置边缘区等离子体的径向电场,发现在正偏压作用下,径向电场剖面由小的负阱状变成明显的山包结构,从而形成一个加强的E×B剪切层。

    The radial electric field of the plasma in the KT-5C tokamak is controlled using electrode biasing . It is found that with positive bias , radial electrical field changes from a low negative well to a modest positive hill , and an enhanced E × B shear layer appears .

  4. 你说的是山包中间那棵柳树吗?

    B.You mean the willow tree beside the mill ?

  5. 山包、黑夜的天穹、光秃的头顶。

    The dome of a hill , the night sky , a bald head .

  6. 用三维半解析边界元的子结构法分析凸起山包对地震波的散射

    Substructure Method of Semi-Analysis Boundary Element and Application to Seismic Scattering by Three-Dimensional Topography of a Hill

  7. 这种方法可在频域就三维轴对称凸起山包对地震波的散射进行分析。

    The seismic scattering by three-dimensional topography of a hill can be analyzed by the method in frequency domain .

  8. 山体地震动的偏振效应与山体的几何形状有很大关系,孤立的圆形山包很难发生偏振,而狭长的山梁则容易发生偏振。

    The isolated round hill is hard to polarize , but it is easy for the narrow and long mountain ridge .

  9. 打球的判断和打球的表现同样重要,用人工化的山包确定目标区域减少了判断的价值。

    Judgment of the shot is as important as execution , and defining the target areas with artificial mounding reduces the value of judgment .

  10. 螺旋展线一般多在山脊利用山包盘旋,以旱桥或隧道跨线;也有在峡谷内,路线就地迂回,建桥跨沟跨线。

    It spiral using of hill ridges by dry bridge or tunnel across lines ; also in the valley , local circuitous route , the construction of a bridge across line .