
  • 网络Montane ecology
  1. 在云南山地生态系统生物多样性保护示范项目(YUEP)中,尝试建立以村民为主体的社区共管自然资源组织和基金。

    The community co-management organizations and protection and development funds of natural resource operated by villagers have been tested in the project of multi-agency and local participatory of sustainable management of Yunnan upland ecosystem ( YUEP ) .

  2. 秦岭山地生态环境保护与建设

    Protection and construction of eco - environment in Qinling Mountainous area

  3. 退化山地生态系统恢复和重建问题的探讨

    Discussion on several problems of restoring and rehabilitating Degraded Mountain Ecosystem

  4. 重庆市典型岩溶山地生态退化机理研究

    Studies on Ecological Degradation Mechanism of Representative Karst Mountains in Chongqing

  5. 土地类型结构格局与山地生态设计

    Structural pattern of land type and ecological design in Mountainous Region

  6. 川西山地生态旅游开发及其持续发展初步研究

    A preliminary study on sustainable development of ecotourism in Western Sichuan

  7. 陕西秦巴山地生态格局与农业资源持续利用模式研究

    A study on agro resources sustainable use based on mountainous eco pattern

  8. 干旱区山地生态格局与可持续发展

    Ecological Patterns and Sustainable Development in the Mountainous Regions in Arid Areas

  9. 红壤山地生态果园开发及成效分析

    The Technology and Efficient Analysis of Ecological Orchard in Red Soil Hills

  10. 岩溶山地生态脆弱性评价及治理措施研究

    Karst Vulnerability of Mountain Ecosystems and Management Measures for the Evaluation Study

  11. 西南岩溶山地生态脆弱性研究

    The fragility of eco-environment in Southwest China Karst Mountain

  12. 云南高原山地生态环境现状初步评价

    Assessment on eco-environment background of Yunnan plateau mountain region

  13. 应对山地生态特征的平武县灾后重建规划设计实践

    The Post-disaster Reconstruction Planning in Pingwu Feasible for Ecological Features in Mountainous Region

  14. 山地生态人居小区水循环系统的研究

    Study on the Water-circulating System of Mountainous Eco-residential Sub-district

  15. 大片的阔叶林和灌木丛生的山坡主宰着这里的山地生态系统。

    Broad-leaved forest and grassy hillsides dominate the montane ecosystem of the mountain .

  16. 山地生态环境脆弱性是山地灾害形成的基础。

    Mountain environmental vulnerability is the basis of a variety of mountain disasters .

  17. 太行山片麻岩山地生态工程综合效益评价

    Appraisal of comprehensive benefit of ecological Enginnering in the gneiss mountainous region of Taihang

  18. 秦巴山地生态恶化贫困区历史成因分析

    An analysis on the historical contribution factor of ecosystem deterioration in the QINGLING-DABA mountainous region

  19. 皖南山区山地生态系统经济价值损失估算方法

    Estimation Methods of the Economical Loss of Ecological Destruction in Mountainous Regions of South Anhui

  20. 川西南山地生态脆弱区森林植被恢复机理研究

    Studies on the Restoration Mechanisms of Forest Vegetation in Mountainous Fragile Eco-regions in Southwest Sichuan

  21. 花岗岩侵蚀山地生态重建及其生态环境效应人类对环境的压力,导致生态环境的恶化。

    Pressure from human being on the environment has led to the deterioration of eco-environment .

  22. 山地生态系统人文研究综述

    Review of Human Study on Mountain Ecosystems

  23. 福建山地生态果园建设

    The ecological orchard in Fujian Hill Region

  24. 山地生态农业研究

    Study on the Mountainous Eco agriculture

  25. 在近几十年中,自然原因不是影响本区山地生态系统协调发展的主要原因,而人畜增长及

    In recent decades , the natural reason is not the main reason influencing the coordinated develop

  26. 山地生态系统的脆弱性与荒漠化

    Fragility of mountain ecosystem and desertification

  27. 继续攀登,你将离开山地生态系统而来到亚高山生态系统。

    As you gain elevation , you leave the montane areas and enter the subalpine ecosystem .

  28. 岷江上游山地生态系统的退化机制

    Degradation mechanism of mountain ecosystem at the dry valley in the upper reaches of the Minjiang River

  29. 考察了芬兰和瑞典的山地生态建设和环境保护。

    The observation group has investigated the mountainous area ecological construction and environment protection in Sweden and Finland .

  30. 山地生态系统的退化不仅是一个生态问题,也是一个经济问题。

    Ecological degradation of mountains not only is an ecological problem , but also is an economic problem .