
  • 网络hawassa;awassa;Rioja Alavesa
  1. 阿瓦萨镇的学校正在放假,一辆驴车来到一个公共广场,停靠在树荫下,一群孩子围拢了过来。

    It is school-closing time in Awassa . A donkey-drawn wagon trundles into a public square and children come .

  2. 记者海因莱因在埃塞俄比亚一个叫做阿瓦萨的小镇上,遇到了一名埃塞俄比亚裔的美国人。这位埃裔美国人回到自己的出生地,把读书的乐趣带给那里渴求知识的孩子们。

    VOA 's Peter Heinlein visited the Ethiopian town of Awassa , to meet an Ethiopian-American man who returned to the land of his birth to Make a Difference with youngsters hungry for learning .