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qū zūn
  • condescend;stoop to
屈尊 [qū zūn]
  • [condescend;stoop to] 客套话,指降低身分做某事

  • 屈尊礼士

屈尊[qū zūn]
  1. 他不愿屈尊回答我的问题。他不理睬我。

    He did not condescend to answer.He turned his back on me .

  2. 你肯屈尊陪我吗?

    Would you condescend to accompany me ?

  3. 我们等了几乎一小时他才屈尊大驾来见我们。

    We had to wait almost an hour before he condescended to see us .

  4. 科妮莉亚常常觉得她的老师们对她摆出屈尊俯就的样子。

    Cornelia often felt patronised by her tutors .

  5. 别在我面前摆出一副屈尊俯就的样子!

    Don 't you patronize me !

  6. 太太既然肯屈尊把她的事情讲给她听,她自然也就大胆地把自己的看法说出来了。

    Since Madame condescended to speak to her of her affairs , she would permit herself to say what she thought .

  7. 他不肯屈尊和像我这样不重要的人说话。

    He doesn 't deign to talk to unimportant people like me .

  8. 他的客气带有屈尊俯就的意味。

    His politeness smacks of condescension .

  9. v.屈尊;降格相从他们应该改变这种不好的习惯,而屈身去和正常的人一同欢笑。

    condescend They should change this bad habit and condescend to be pleased what is pleasing .

  10. 嘿hat:帽子我屈尊下马,来向你俯首称臣。entire:全部的,整个的spend:花费,度过我一整天都在帮Dan挑选礼物。

    Serena : I come to you hat in hand , tail between my legs and off my high horse I spent the entire day searching for the perfect gift for Dan .

  11. 这次实验带来的道德问题暂且不谈,它更揭示了Facebook商业模式的深层次变化:即便它屈尊赏赐用户一点隐私权,依然能确保滚滚财源。

    Troubling ethics notwithstanding , the experiment has revealed a deeper shift in Facebook 's business model : the company can make money even when it deigns to allow its users a modicum of privacy .

  12. 宾利已经算是最不跟风的了&但2016年它也将屈尊从俗,推出一款自己的SUV,这是宾利董事会负责营销的凯文•罗斯上周在洛杉矶的明确表态。

    Bentley has been among the last holdouts & and that will end in early 2016 , when its SUV comes to market , Kevin rose , Bentley board member for marketing , confirmed last week in Los Angeles .

  13. 你永远也不应该瞧不起或以屈尊的对待同事。

    You should never condescend or look down on a co-worker .

  14. 最后她才纡贵屈尊地表示出她注意到他在旁边。

    She at last condescended to evince awareness of his proximity .

  15. 菲利浦被这位年轻绅士那副屈尊的派头征服了。

    Philip was somewhat overpowered by the young gentleman 's condescension .

  16. “我想,我只能屈尊去做小偷了,”乔治坦白地说。

    I 'm afraid I stooped to theft , George admitted .

  17. 史密斯先生有时屈尊帮他的妻子做家务。

    Mr. Smith sometimes condescends to help his wife with the housework .

  18. 州长今天屈尊就驾对我打招呼。

    The governor condescended to say hello to me today .

  19. 不愿屈尊答谢他的对手的问候;

    Won 't condescend to acknowledge his rival 's greeting ;

  20. 总理屈尊宣布我们的校庆开始了。

    The prime minister condescended to open our school fete .

  21. 我受够你屈尊俯就的姿态了!

    Leonard : I 've had enough of your condescension .

  22. 必要时,特拉弗斯夫人会屈尊帮着做家务。

    Lady Travers was not above helping with the housework when necessary .

  23. 曼迪是唯一一个肯屈尊跟他说话的人。

    Mandy was the only person who deigned to speak to him .

  24. 她投有屈尊与他共餐。

    She did not condescend to have dinner with him .

  25. 屈尊降贵的来跟我这普通人厮混。

    Descending from on high to mingle with the commoners .

  26. 只有一次他屈尊沿袭了对手的手段。

    Only once did he stoop to the tactics of his opponents .

  27. 对待听话、忠诚的下属经理们拥有一种屈尊俯就的态度。

    The managers adopt patronising attitudes towards the obedient and faithful subordinates .

  28. 我想你是不愿意屈尊教小孩子的。

    I thought you were too proud to teach kids .

  29. 谁愿意屈尊去谴责这种轻浮举止?

    Who 'd stoop to blame This sort of trifling ?

  30. 屈尊俯就地对待;摆出高人一等的派头:有些电视节目往往以大人的观点对待儿童。

    patronize sb Some television programmes tend to patronize children .