
jū jiān hé tonɡ
  • brokerage contract;contract of brokerage
  1. 房产居间合同中交易各方法律风险的防范

    Prevention of Legal Risks by Each Parties in Case of Real Estate Intermediation Agreement

  2. 浅谈违反居间合同的法律救济

    Legal Remedy for Violating Intermediary Contract On Anticipatory Breaking a Contract and the Remedy

  3. 居间合同的法律特征及其欺诈行为的防范

    The Law Feature of Contract of Mediate and Keeping a Look in Cheating Behavior

  4. 文章围绕着这一核心问题展开论述,旨在平等保护双方当事人的权益,合理解决居间合同纠纷。

    The paper discusses the question , aiming to equally protect both parties ' rights and interests and properly settle contract disputes .

  5. 再次,在审判实践中,不同法院在审理涉及如实告知义务的居间合同的案件时,判决结果大相径庭,同案不同判的现象严重。

    Thirdly , in trial practice , different courts have different judicative result of case , which refers to the duty of disclosure in the contract of Medias .

  6. 剖析证券经纪合同属性相关代理合同说、居间合同说、行纪合同说等观点的优缺点。

    I analyzed advantages and disadvantages of different theories on attributes of securities broking contracts , such as agency contract theory , intermediary contract theory , trustee-trader theory and so on .

  7. 目前关于演艺经纪合同性质的学说主要有委托合同说、居间合同说、行纪合同说、劳动合同说四种。

    At present , there are mainly four common academic theories about the nature of the performance brokerage contract , for example : the commission contract ; the intermediation contract ; the brokerage contract ; the labor contract .

  8. 它是连接信托与合同的重要桥梁,与合同法中既有的行纪合同、居间合同、委托合同存在着一定的区别和联系。

    It is a key to connect trust and contract . There are differences and relations between trust contract and contract of commission , contract of mediate and contract of mandate which have already existed in present Contract Law .

  9. 希望能对合同法的完善和有关居间合同的审判实践起到一定的建议作用,更好地发挥居间合同在信息传递和经济发展中的作用。

    I hope it will be helpful to the Chinese contract law perfected , and taken some suggestions to the contract of mediacy in trial practice , for mediacy having more important role in economic construction and information transfer .

  10. 居间人合同诈骗之司法认定

    Judicial Determination of The Act On The Broker 's Contractual Fraud

  11. 委托为本人与相对人意思表示一致的处理事务型合同,它是委托代理、信托、行纪、居间等合同的基础法律关系。

    A delegation contract , reached by the meeting of minds of the principal and the counterpart , is a basis of agency relation , trust relation , commission as well as brokerage relation .

  12. 居间人促成合同成立的,居间活动的费用,由居间人负担。

    Where the intermediator has facilitated the conclusion of the contract , the expenses for the intermediate service shall be borne by the intermediator .

  13. 旅游合同又不同于承揽、代理、居间及行纪合同,是一种独立的混合合同,这也正是旅游合同与其他合同的明显区别之所在。

    Tourist contract is not mere consume one , for its distinctive nature-its target is invisible which is a mental product-it is different from other traditional business contracts .

  14. 因此,有必要完善关于房屋居间活动方面的法律法规,规范房屋买卖居间合同内容。

    Therefore , it is necessary to formulate more laws and regulations to standardize the contents of the intermediary housing sale contract .