
  • Madame Curie;Madam Curie;Marie Curie
  1. 居里夫人告诫初学者不要图快。

    Madame Curie warned learners not to go too fast .

  2. 居里夫人是世界上唯一有名的女科学家。

    Madame Curie was the only famous woman scientist in the world .

  3. 专家们称老师必须集爱因斯坦、居里夫人和林弗德·克里斯蒂的本领于一身,才能帮助孩子们掌握新的国家课程大纲。

    Experts claimed that teachers had to be Einstein , Marie Curie and Linford Christie rolled into one to help children grasp the new national curriculum

  4. 镭是由居里夫人发现的。

    Radium is discovered by Madame Curie .

  5. No.5MarieCurie居里夫人原子科学家居里夫人不仅仅自己是左撇子,她作为女家长,他们一家子都是建树斐然的左撇子科学家。

    Not only was atomic scientist Marie Curie left-handed , but she was the matriarch of a whole family of accomplished , southpaw scientists .

  6. 在第一次世界大战期间,居里夫人在为红十字会工作的同时,帮助将X光机器安装在战地救护车上。1934年,由于长期接受辐射,66岁的居里夫人死于再生不良性贫血。

    Curie helped fit X-ray machines to ambulances in the First World War while working for the Red Cross , and suffered leukaemia from long-term exposure to radiation . She died in 1934 aged 66 .

  7. 并且听从曾对放射性做出过定义的居里夫人(MarieCurie)的意见:现在是时候加深了解了,这样我们的恐惧才会减轻。

    And follow the advice of the woman who defined ' radioactivity , ' Marie Curie : ' Now is the time to understand more , so that we fear less . '

  8. 直到居里夫人发现镭后,人们才了解放射性。

    People had no idea of radioactivity before Curie discovered redium .

  9. 居里夫人曾用这样的语言来抒发她的思想。

    Madame Curie expressed her thoughts in words much like this .

  10. 居里夫人作为镭的发现者而著名。

    Madame Curie is well known as the discoverer of radium .

  11. 1867年居里夫人出生在一个教师家庭。

    In1867 Madam Curie was born into a teacher 's family .

  12. 但令人郁闷的是,居里夫人获奖的两个领域仍是男性的天下。

    But the two fields graced by Curie remain depressingly male .

  13. 是居里夫人和她的丈夫发现了镭。

    It was Madame Curie and her husband who discovered radium .

  14. 居里夫人一生中有两次获得诺贝尔奖。

    Madame Curie wins the Nobel Prize twice in her life .

  15. 居里夫人因为发现镭而著名。

    Madame Curie is well known for her discovery of radium .

  16. 居里夫人一生致力于镭的研究。

    Madame Curie devoted all her time to the study of radium .

  17. 居里夫人是一个最伟大的科学家在世界上。

    Madame Curie was one of the GREatest scientists in the world .

  18. 居里夫人于1903年取的物理学博士学位。

    Madame Curie took the doctor 's degree in physics in 1903 .

  19. 居里夫人(波兰科学家):健康的身体是科学研究的基础。

    Madame Curie-A healthy body is fundamental to science research .

  20. 居里夫人献出自己的全部知识,与整个科学界共享。

    Madame Curie shared all her knowledge with the whole scientific world .

  21. 居里夫人将它命名为钋,以纪念她的祖国。

    Madame Curie named it polonium in honour of her native country .

  22. 居里夫人是近现代科学史上最伟大的女性。

    Madame Curie is the greatest female in near modern science history .

  23. 居里夫人正为她的小女儿爱兰妮编织毛衣。

    Curie was knitting a jersey for her little daughter .

  24. 人们将永远记住居里夫人是镭的发现者。

    Madame Curie will long be remembered as the discoverer of radium .

  25. 居里夫人因为发现了镭,而将永远被人所铭记。

    Madame Curie will always be remembered for the discovery of radium .

  26. 居里夫人从来没有放弃过她的工作。

    Madame Curie never gave up on her work .

  27. 居里夫人日夜工作,寻求这个未知的物质。

    Madame Curie worked day and night in search of the unknown matter .

  28. 居里夫人出生于1867年11月7日的波兰,是一位伟大的科学家。

    Born in Poland on Nov.7,1867 , Madam Curie is a great scientist .

  29. 居里夫人不需要再守着噗噗沸腾的铁锅干活了。

    Madame Curie did not need any more to bend over bubbling pans .

  30. 曾经有过一个时期,居里夫人的生活非常艰难。

    There was a time when life was very hard for Madame Curie .