
  • 网络partial equilibrium theory;Partial equilibrium theroy
  1. 第三部分详细阐述了局部均衡理论,并进行了简要的静态分析。

    The third part elaborated the partial equilibrium theory in detail , and has carried on a brief vertical analysis .

  2. 到目前为止,双层博弈理论仍然没有严格的数理模型框架,而且博弈论得到均衡解的基础仍然是局部均衡理论。

    Technically , up to the present , two-level game theory still does not have a rigorous mathematical framework , and an equilibrium solution of a game is still on the base of partial equilibrium theory .

  3. 利用西方经济经济学中的局部均衡理论,分析了资源约束性条件下旱作节水农业在特定区域的发展;

    Using theory of partial equilibrium to analyze the development under the restriction of agricultural resources .

  4. 以局部均衡理论对自然人与单位共同犯罪中的量刑准则进行探讨。

    The punishing rule applied to the co-crime of natural person and judicial party by the rule of local balance .

  5. 通过构建数理模型,得到了信息不对称及其引发的逆向选择和道德风险导致信贷配给的形成和局部均衡理论。

    By constructing the Mathematical model , it offers the theory on how the anti-direction choose and consciousness risk based on information non-perfectness lead to the emergence and partial balance of commercial bank capital refinedly supply .

  6. 其次,本文以西方经济学中的局部均衡理论为理论基础,对汽车保险需求和供给的内涵和影响因素及需求供给的均衡状态进行了分析。

    Secondly , this text is on the theoretical basis of the partial equilibrium of Western Economics . It analyzes the factors such as the intension 、 influence factors and equilibrium state of Chinese car insurance demand and supply .

  7. 应用资源禀赋理论和局部均衡理论,论证了利用境外农业资源对保障国内粮食安全和农产品有效供应的重要作用。

    By the application of " H-O Theory " and " Partial equilibrium theory ", this paper has demonstrated the important role of the overseas agricultural resources input on the security of food safety and effective supply of agricultural products .