
  1. 客观而言,不但实现了多处局部创新,而且有益于中国古典小说意境研究的深入发展。

    Objectively to say , this article not only achieve many local innovation , but contribute to the in-depth development of Chinese classical novel research .

  2. 我国环境会计研究还处于起步阶段,主要是在介绍、借鉴、继承与局部创新的基础上开展起来的。

    However , our country environmental accounting research is in starting phase , it mainly produces on the basic of introduction 、 drawing lessons 、 inheritance and partly innovation .

  3. 复杂技术创新的本质是汇聚各种核心资源,进行知识的创造、转移、共享和应用,以整合局部创新实现整体技术创新。

    The nature of complex technological innovation is to gather all kinds of resources to transfer , apply , share and create knowledge . It is also a process of integrating local innovation to achieve the overall innovation .

  4. 文章对信息咨询机构在设计知识管理体系结构时,局部创新力量如何积累、如何传递到应用中、如何在应用中再创新、如何形成良性循环等几个方面进行初步探讨。

    In this paper , we investigated how local innovation forces could be accumulated and transferred into the real applications , and how the forces could be re-innovated and circulated virtuously when information consulting organizations design the systems of knowledge management .

  5. 当前稳定和完善家庭承包责任制的首要任务是要进行农地外部制度的重构,其次要在保持现有农地制度基本构架稳定的前提下,进行农地内部制度的局部调整和创新。

    Instead , the further stabilization and improvement of the household responsibility system of farmland should be stressed , while the external system impacting on farmland must be restructured and the local internal adjustment and innovation of rural farmland system be made .

  6. 根据上横梁的分析数据,进一步研究上横梁的结构性缺陷和应力集中,对整体结构和局部结构进行创新和优化,在设计阶段就可消除了各种结构性缺陷,降低了应力集中。

    By using the analytical data and through a further research on structural defects and stress concentration of the upper beam , a creation and optimization on the whole and partial structures can eliminate various structural defects and reduce the stress concentration at the stage of design .