
chén āi
  • dust;dirt;mote
尘埃 [chén āi]
  • (1) [dust;dirt] 飞扬的尘土

  • 尘埃传播病菌

  • (2) ;比喻污浊的东西

  • 爷娘妻子走相送,尘埃不见咸阳桥。-- 唐. 杜甫《兵车行》

  • 蝉蜕于浊秽,以浮游尘埃之外,不获世之滋垢。--《史记.屈原贾生列传》

  • 蒙世俗之尘埃。

尘埃[chén āi]
  1. 低尘埃漂白硫酸盐桉木浆的生产

    Production Practice of Less Dirt Bleached Eucalyptus Kraft Pulp

  2. 你的电脑现在已经摆脱尘埃和静电的困扰了!

    Your computer is now dirt and static free .

  3. 这些微小的尘埃可深深地吸入肺部。

    These fine particles penetrate deep into the lungs .

  4. 在核武器试验中他们暴露在放射性尘埃之下。

    They were exposed to radioactive fallout during nuclear weapons tests .

  5. 他们离婚一事在这周末尘埃落定。

    Their divorce became final this weekend

  6. 如果它当时击中地球,就会砸出一个直径100英里的大坑并激起巨大的尘埃云团。

    If it had hit the Earth , it would have made a crater 100 miles across and thrown up an immense cloud of dust .

  7. 雨将使尘埃平息。

    The rain will settle the dust .

  8. 支持铁物质增殖作用理论的人认为这些尘埃促成了海洋藻类的茂密生长,后来这些藻类沉入海床,带走了大量的二氧化碳,这进一步降低了地球温度。

    Supporters of the iron-fertilization theory believe this dust produced blooms of oceanic algae that then sank to the seabed , taking large amounts of carbon with them , which helped to reduce temperatures still further .

  9. 纱厂工人的三大威胁,就是音响、尘埃和湿气

    Textile workers suffer from three scourges -- noise , dust and humidity .

  10. 火山喷出烟和尘埃

    A volcano belches forth smoke and ashes .

  11. 能看见别人眼里的尘埃,看不见自己眼里的木头。

    Seeing the mote in one 's neighbor 's eye , but not the beam in one 's own .

  12. 水槽上方的镜子灰蒙蒙的沾满了尘埃,锈迹斑斑的水槽上,龙头还在滴着水,看来已经有好几个年头了。

    The mirror over the sink was clouded and coated with a thin layer of dust . The stained sinks were dry and discolored where water had dripped for many years .

  13. 房门被撬了开了,救援队伍冲进了布满尘埃的大厅过道,但是奇怪的是,在大厅的过道中只有一条弯弯曲曲的脚步,救援队伍随后又冲进了弃置的浴室,但他们还是没有发现艾丽卡。

    The door was pried19 open and the party entered the dusty hallway . Oddly , only one set of footprints could be seen winding20 down the dusty hallway , but workers followed them quickly to the abandoned bathroom . Alicia was nowhere to be seen .

  14. 然而,类星体的光学和X射线辐射会受到周围高柱密度尘埃和气体的屏蔽。

    However , the X-ray and optical emission of AGNs can be absorbed by obscuring columns of dust and gas .

  15. 结果表明:抚顺市的降水酸度是由大气中的SO2等酸性气体和碱性尘埃共同作用的结果,降水pH值向酸性降水发展。

    The results showed that acidity of precipitation is influenced by SO 2 and alkalescent dust .

  16. PVC食品保鲜膜专项检查尘埃落定

    PVC food film Special test

  17. AdvancedFormat磁盘的当前样式以及其他新驱动类型可能很快就会尘埃落定。

    That said , chances are that the dust will settle on the current style of Advanced Format disk , as well as other new drive types , relatively quickly .

  18. 并且讨论了尘埃等离子体电子束入射情况下,共振Langmuir波的增长率。

    We discuss the growth rate of the Langmuir wave in the case of electron beam injection .

  19. 我认为SOA之战已经尘埃落定,该是时候让EA来考虑在实现服务之后的下一步工作了。

    I think the SOA wars are settling down , and it 's time for the EA to consider the next step after service enablement .

  20. 本实验用X射线衍射外标法测定了极微量(0.1~5mg)呼吸尘埃中游离晶态α-SiO_2的含量。

    An external standard method for X-ray diffraction is described for free crystalline α - quartz determination in micro amounts ( 0.1 ~ 5mg ) of respirable particulate .

  21. HerbigAe/Be星的尘埃壳层形态研究

    Study for the Morphological Type of the Circumstellar Dust Shell of Herbig Ae / Be Star

  22. 现在的情况是:星际尘埃收集器(IDC)放在休斯敦约翰逊宇航中心的星尘无尘室存储柜中。

    Here is how things stand right now : The Stardust Interstellar Dust Collector ( SIDC ) is in a storage cabinet in the Stardust Clean Room at Johnson Space Center in Houston .

  23. 尘埃粒子计数器,尘埃粒子多点检测系统,浮游菌采样器,环境综合参数监测器,FFU中央控制器等。

    Dust particle counter , dust particle multi-point inspection system , sampling device , environment comprehensive parameter monitor , FFU central controller , etc.

  24. 系统设计了尘埃检测、RGB色彩检测、聚焦检测和图像失真检测模块。软件功能包含系统设置、图像处理和运行检测三部分。

    The system includes dust detection , RGB color detection , focus detection and image distortion detection modules , and the software functions involve three parts of system setup , image processing and operation testing .

  25. 笔记本电脑和平板电脑的的一个区别就在于键盘,而键盘可能正在走向历史的尘埃里,一位Mac的专栏作家AndyIhnatko长期这么鼓吹。

    The one thing that differentiates a laptop from a tablet a keyboard could be on its way to the dustbin of history , contends long-time Mac columnist Andy Ihnatko .

  26. 眼下,随着马多夫(BernardMadoff)丑闻的尘埃逐渐落定,有些阵营里有一种趋势越来越明显,那就是他们认为受害人有过错,至少在一定程度上是这样。

    Now that some of the dust is settling around the Bernard Madoff scandal , there has been a growing tendency in some quarters to blame the victims , at least in part .

  27. 本文主要致力于研究富碳AGB星的ISOSWS红外光谱的演化和它的分子、尘埃特征。

    This present paper is contributed to the study of the evolutionary nature of ISO SWS spectra from carbon-rich AGB stars ( carbon stars ) and molecular and dust features around such carbon stars .

  28. 还指出彗晕并不像Eddington所讨论那样,是尘埃颗粒轨道的抛物线包络。

    It is also pointed out that the halos do not correspond to the paraboloidal envelopes of dust grain orbits as discussed by Eddington .

  29. 不过中国平安总经理任汇川(AlexRen)表示,汇丰的退出已经尘埃落定,这些担忧已成为明日黄花,公司正在集中精力拓展银行和资产管理业务。

    But with the dust settled on HSBC 's exit , Ping An 's president , Alex Ren , says those worries are behind the company , which is now focused on expanding its role in banking and asset management .

  30. 尘埃纺基督教徒嬉蹦舞曲,我“重击”(LOL)我坐在一张桌子并且开始在我的很糟的书内素描。

    Mote was spinning Christian hip hop , and I was " smitten "( LOL ) so I sat down at a table and started sketching in my black book .