
  • 网络The inner solar system
  1. 由于对内太阳系中存在行星x这一真相进行了掩盖,(因而)对媒体而言,这也是一个禁止的话题。

    Since there is a cover-up over the presence of Planet X in the inner solar system , this is also a banned subject in the media .

  2. 他们中的大多数至少听说了关于内太阳系存在的流氓行星的流言,并且很多人被坦白地告知掩盖活动需要他们的合作。

    Most have at least heard the rumors about a rogue planet in the inner solar system and many have been frankly informed about the cover-up and the need for their cooperation .

  3. 第二个太阳在X星2003年进入内太阳系时就引人注目地登场了,位置刚刚好。

    The Second Sun made dramatic appearances in2003 when Planet X first arrived in the inner solar system , as the location was just right .

  4. 直到2003年行星X进入内太阳系后的几年以前,地球的某些部分是不会出现飓风或者气旋活动的。

    Up until the years following the arrival of Planet X into the inner solar system in2003 , certain parts of the world were exempt from hurricane or cyclone activity .

  5. 我们已经表述过了,行星X的回归是以一种更加静默的步调完成的,因此它不会迅即进入你们的内太阳系,然后又突然来个刹车。

    We have stated that the return of Planet X is done at a more sedate pace , so that it is not zooming into the inner solar system and then suddenly putting on the brakes .

  6. 是不是新发射的在红外频域扫描天空的WISE探测器现在将“发现”X行星正位于内太阳系里我们的身畔?

    Will the new WISE probe , just launched and due to map the skies in infrared , now " discover " Planet X sitting right next to us in the inner solar system .

  7. 著名的哈雷彗星将在1985&86年再次回归到内太阳系。

    Famous Hally Comet will return to inner solar system in 1985 - '1986 . Varied cometary phenomena are to be observed .