
shào nián yuàn
  • approved school;juvenile house of correction
  1. 在日本少年院中实施的考虑被害人感觉的教育课程

    Educational courses of considering victims ' feelings implemented in Japanese Juvenile center

  2. 日本现行少年院体制于1949年正式确立,由少年法明确规定了其作为收容保护机关的性质。

    The current system of Reformatory of Japan formally established in 1949 by the Juvenile Act clearly defines the authorities as the nature of asylum protection .

  3. 少年院经过百余年的发展,在不断摸索矫正教育的方法的过程中起到了举足轻重的作用。

    For over a hundred years after the development of trial and error , Reformatory has played an increasingly important role in the correction process of education .

  4. 少年院的进一步改良和发展能够使得少年保护教育得到进步,也能够制造一个更和谐安定的社会。

    Its further improvement and development can make progress in juvenile protection and education , but also be able to create a more harmonious and stable society .

  5. 上述问题的解决不仅需要少年院与立法机关本身的努力,也需要日本全社会进行思考。

    The above problems are not only necessary to solve by the own efforts of Reformatory and the legislature , but also necessary to consider by the Japanese society as a whole .

  6. 他被送往少年感化院。

    He was sent to borstal .

  7. 目前调查已使少年感化院关闭。

    It now closed reform school .

  8. 这一年多来,古迪娅一直呆在德里的一家少年教养院。

    For more than a year , Gudiya has been cared for in a juvenile rehabilitation home in Delhi .

  9. 多兹尔少年感化院已成立了100年,因为儿童在这里会受到严厉的惩罚,这已经成为佛罗里达州的恐怖主义。

    During the 100 years was open , the Dozier School for Boys became the terrorist in Florida for the harsh treatment residents received there .

  10. 他因偷窃被送进少年犯感化院。

    He was sent to borstal for stealing .

  11. 年少时,他在少年犯感化院待了3年,出来后凭借一次成功的盗窃在18岁时娶了妻子,后来当了炮兵。

    As a boy he did three years in Borstal , came out , married at eighteen on the strength of a successful burglary , and shortly afterwards enlisted in the artillery .

  12. 应当注重对少年教养人员的职业教育,实行生产和技能的职业训练,委托少年院外的工厂企业进行职业培训,带他们去社会工厂实习,制定院外委托职业辅导制度。

    Should pay attention to the juvenile correctional officer occupation education , implement production and skill training of juvenile occupation , commissioned by the Institute and factory enterprises occupation training , to take them to the social factory practice , develop Institute commissioned by the occupation guidance system .