
shào nǚ
  • young girl;maid;maiden;miss;youngest girl;chick;girlhood;damsel;lassie;wench;sheila;lass
少女 [shào nǚ]
  • (1) [maid;miss]∶未婚的年轻女子

  • 没有一个一心想当戏剧演员的少女曾这样走运

  • (2) [youngest girl]∶最年幼的女儿

少女[shào nǚ]
  1. 她的声音如少女般柔美悦耳。

    Her voice was as soft and sweet as a young girl 's.

  2. 这位漂亮少女的一举一动都很优雅。

    Every movement the beautiful young girl makes is very graceful .

  3. 昨天警方从河里救起了一名溺水少女。

    Police plucked a drowning girl from the river yesterday .

  4. 他记忆中的她依然是他多年以前认识的那个活泼的少女。

    He still remembered her as the lively teenager he 'd known years before .

  5. 这个演员受到提携从无名少女一跃成为明星时年仅17岁。

    The actress was only 17 when she was plucked from obscurity and made a star .

  6. 过去10年中,少女怀孕的现象不断增多。

    Teenage conceptions have risen steadily in the last ten years .

  7. 每年,每100名15至19岁的少女中就有1位嗑药过量。

    Each year , one in 100 girls aged 15-19 takes an overdose

  8. 她的眼睛闪闪发亮,闪烁着少女般的幸福和满足。

    Her eyes were alight with a girlish enjoyment of life

  9. 她脱下了朴素的套装,换上了一身古怪的少女装。

    She swapped her plain suit for an absurdly girlie dress

  10. 少女时代的她曾迷上了自己的一个老师。

    As a teenager she formed a strong attachment to one of her teachers

  11. 我不想再演天真少女的角色了。

    I don 't want any more ingenue roles .

  12. 少女时期的她曾梦想过学习绘画。

    Her girlhood dream had been to study painting .

  13. 对妙龄少女来说,仪态身姿和优秀成绩一样重要。

    Deportment and poise were as important as good marks for young ladies .

  14. 杰迈玛是一个15岁的美丽漂亮的高地少女。

    Jemima was a bonny Highland lassie of 15 .

  15. 男人和少女结伴跳舞。

    Men and teenage girls pair up to dance

  16. 她完全没有了少女时胖嘟嘟的感觉。

    She had entirely lost her girlish chubbiness .

  17. 她举止像少女般顽皮。

    Her manner is playful and girlish .

  18. “你想要什么?”一个十几岁少女操着一口浓重的德国口音问道。

    ' What do you want ? ' a teenage girl demanded in a thick German accent .

  19. 今天,我们听到未成年少女怀孕时不会再感到惊讶,也不会再去私下谈论谁谁未婚同居。

    Today , we no longer gasp when we hear a teenage girl is pregnant or whisper about unmarried couples who live together

  20. 她仍是一个圣洁的少女。

    She was still a holy and pure young girl .

  21. 王子爱上了一位年轻美丽的少女。

    The prince fell in love with a fair young maiden .

  22. 花儿移栽往往并不成功,少女们换了环境也是如此。

    Transplantation is not always successful in the matter of flowers or maidens .

  23. 我愿他不再在城里鬼混,追逐妙龄少女。

    I wish he would stop chasing around the town after young women .

  24. 少女们身披彩练,在草地上翩翩起舞。

    Draped with coloured ribbons , the young girls danced gracefully on the grass .

  25. 她把受惊的少女们召唤回来,对她们的惊惶之状加以指责

    She called back her scattered maidens , chiding their alarm .

  26. 少年如此,最美的少女亦如此。

    So does a youth , so does the fairest maid

  27. 李•兰杰尔是一个少女猎手,但也喜欢老女人。

    Lee Rangel is a Manther , but likes older women as well .

  28. 苔丝是一个善良的少女。

    Tess was a chaste young girl .

  29. 最美,哦少女的孩子,你的选择和赢得的相称。

    Most , O maid ’ s child , thy choice and worthy6 the winning .

  30. ③从我们记事起,妈妈就是一个中年妇女了,可谁又知道,她也曾是个花季少女。

    For as long as I can remember , mom has been a middle-aged2 woman , but no one told me she used to be a young girl .