
xiǎo yǔ
  • light rain;drizzle;sprinkle
小雨 [xiǎo yǔ]
  • [light rain;drizzle] 指雨量不大的雨(24小时内雨量达10毫米或一小时内雨量在2.5毫米以下的雨)

小雨[xiǎo yǔ]
  1. 小雨开始飘落。

    A light rain began to fall .

  2. 从加拿大边境到得克萨斯州中部有一片小雨和阵雨区。

    A band of light rain and showers extended from the Canadian border to central texas .

  3. 我们离开时天阴沉沉地飘着小雨。

    It was dull and slightly drizzly as we left .

  4. 昨天预报有小雨,今天果然下起来了。

    Yesterday the radio forecast drizzle , and today it is indeed raining .

  5. 小雨丝丝拉拉地下了几天。

    It has been drizzling off and on for days .

  6. 傍晚那会儿下了一阵小雨。

    Toward evening , it began to drizzle .

  7. 结果表明:实际的估测降水中,不同降水估测方法得到的结果有较大的差异,利用K(DP)估测降水的方法不适合小雨阶段的测量。

    The result indicates that different algorithmic method have more difference , the K_DP calculation is not suitable for the light rain stage .

  8. 刘冰是通过QQ聊天认识小雨的,也就是所谓的“QQ之恋”。

    Liu Bing got to know Xiao Yu through QQ chat , and they got the so-called " QQ love " .

  9. 检验结果表明,各模式小雨预报的TS评分较高,明显高于全国及其它地区的评分;

    The results of accumulated verification show that TS score of light rain area is the highest of all areas in China , but that of moderate rain or over are lower .

  10. 如果你听到mizzle这个词,意思应该是小雨。

    If you hear the word mizzle , it probably means a light shower .

  11. 刚刚到的时候,天是灰色的,淅沥沥的小雨刚刚淋湿了Merlion。我们可以看到远处黄色的人海。

    Upon arriving a rather grey and slightly drizzling Merlion , we saw from afar the congregation of a sea of yellow .

  12. 如果你听到“mizzle”这个词,意思应该是小雨。

    If you hear the word " mizzle , " it probably means a light shower .

  13. 小雨:烤虹鳟鱼和炸河虾。

    Xiao yu : the roast Hongzun fish and fried shrimp .

  14. 气象专家们预测有小雨,气温将下降。

    The weather scientists predicted a light rain and temperature drop .

  15. 但是在中国南方地区会有小雨。

    But in southern part of China will have light rain .

  16. 天街小雨润如酥,草色遥看近却无。

    The greenness of grass can not be seen but afar .

  17. 从特大暴雨到小雨对径流的作用逐渐减小。

    The impacts gradually reduce from extreme rain to light rain .

  18. 小雨:没有,他不在运动场上吗?

    Xiaoyu : no , he 's not at the playground ?

  19. 1960年一个春天的早上,天下着小雨。

    A spring morning in1960 , a light rain was falling .

  20. 所以,你真的不应该这么生小雨的气。

    So you really should not be mad at the rain .

  21. 我爱夏日微风小雨中的巴黎。

    I love Paris I the summer , when it sizzles .

  22. 那是童年时的小雨天看到的。

    It was his childhood days when the rain to see .

  23. 能见度很好,偶尔有小雨。

    Visibility was good , with only occasional light rain .

  24. 这经常会下雷阵雨,而不是小雨。

    There is always rain with thunder here instead of weak rain .

  25. 今天很冷,而且伴随有小雨和大风。

    It 's a cold day with light rain and strong winds .

  26. 过去定期降下温和小雨的温带气候之地会有棘手的干旱肆虐。

    Temperate climates used to periodic gentle rainfall will suffer intractable droughts .

  27. 但是不下点小雨,哪来的彩虹?

    But how can you make a rainbow without a little rain ?

  28. 早上下小雨我就没去买吃的。

    It 's rain and I didn 't buy food .

  29. 旱地小雨资源渗水地膜覆盖利用技术研究

    Study on Small Rain Utilization Technique by Water permeability Plastic Film Covering

  30. 空布满乌云,下蒙蒙小雨。

    The sky had clouded over and it was raining a little .