
  • 网络cameo role;bit part;cameo;supernumerary
  1. 施瓦辛格的私人理财顾问保罗·瓦赫特并没有排除阿诺出演小配角的可能性,但他排除了任何更多可能性。

    Paul Wachter , Schwarzenegger 's personal financial advisor , refused to rule out a cameo , but dismissed anything more than that .

  2. 除了饰演不重要的小配角之外,施瓦辛格的顾问排除了他出演任何其他角色的可能。

    A Schwarzenegger advisor ruled out anything but a cameo role .

  3. 我在舞台上当了一年的小配角,然后就开始做卖旧汽车的生意。

    I worked in bits for a year and then started selling used cars .

  4. 因为《寄生虫》中的管家角色而让人印象深刻的李静恩也在《母亲》中饰演了一个小配角。

    The movie also had a small role for Lee Jung-eun , who later memorably played the housekeeper in " Parasite . "

  5. 在全球化的今天,如果一个国家没有世界水平的大学,即使国家规模再大,在世界分工体系中也只能永远充当小配角的角色。

    In the global village , a country without world-class universities can only play a dispensable role in the system of global division no matter how big it is .

  6. 过去18个月来,在使美国与朝鲜相互对立的一次令人瞩目、由核问题引发的戏剧性事件中,澳门一家小型私营银行决不可能只是一个小配角。

    For the past 18 months , a small , privately held bank in Macao has been an unlikely bit-part player in a high-stakes , nuclear-fuelled drama pitting the US against North Korea .

  7. 研究了运行于自然环境、具有小滑移率及小失配角、六轮独立驱动的摇臂式月球车驱动控制问题。

    This paper presents a fuzzy sliding-mode-based driving control of lunar rover with six active wheels running in the real world on the condition that small wheel slips and mismatch angle are taken into account .