
  • 网络Canister
  1. 她发现一个漂亮的黄色小罐被摔得粉碎。

    She found a pretty yellow jug smashed to bits .

  2. 我想知道这一小罐能有多少。

    I wonder how many kikes this little can took out .

  3. 秋天,他们找到了一小罐肥肉。

    In autumn , they got a little pot of fat .

  4. 医生:小罐还是大罐?

    Doctor : Small can or big can ?

  5. 那一小罐奶,如今空了。

    Pitcher of milk , now empty .

  6. 您可能会在一个20加仑的容器中混合沙拉,而不是一个小罐中进行的。

    Instead of mixing a salad dressing in a small jar , you might have to prepare it in a20-gallon container .

  7. 小罐产生了高达6.9级的内震波,但它并没有在地震活跃的阿留申群岛诱发地震。

    Cannikin had a body wave magnitude of6.9 and it did not trigger any earthquakes in the seismically active Aleutian Islands .

  8. 还有块面包&货真价实的白面包,可不是我们那种鬼玩意儿!一小罐果酱!

    And here 's a loaf of bread proper white bread , not our bloody stuff & and a little pot of jam .

  9. 在大贮罐中或小罐中牛乳通常送去方便的收购点,在那里会避免他们受阳光直射。

    Cooled milk in chums or cans is usually taken to a convenient collection point , where they are protected from direct sunlight .

  10. 他母亲曾经说过:牛顿出生时个儿很小,可能放进能盛一夸脱牛奶的小罐里。

    His mother had said that Newton was so tiny at birth that he might well have been placed in a quart-size pitcher .

  11. 小瓶用于盛调味品的一个小瓶、小罐或小摇荡器罐、瓶或管形容器盖,贱金属制

    A small bottle , pot , or shaker for holding a condiment . cover , of base metal , for jars bottles or tubular containers

  12. 5.存储将剩余的浴盐存放在密封的容器中,或者多做一点,装在小罐中作为礼物送给朋友。

    Step 5 Store Store the leftover scrub in an airtight container , or make more and put it into small jars to give as gifts .

  13. 在冰箱低层放一小罐水或果汁,并在低处放一个杯子,这样孩子可以自己取饮料。

    Place a small pitcher of water or juice on a low refrigerator shelf and a glass in a low place so your child can be independent in getting a drink .

  14. 红色的四川辣豆瓣酱是另一个关键配料(两样各买一小罐,可以在冰箱里放很长时间)。

    The spicy red fermented broad bean paste from Sichuan Province called doubanjiang is the other key ingredient . ( A small jar of each will keep indefinitely in the fridge . ) Spring for Sichuan peppercorns , too ;

  15. 此外,用全麦饼干酥皮、一小罐菠萝块、一盒香草布丁派以及16盎司酸奶油做成的菠萝派,也不是很吸引我。

    Nor am I much tempted by a pineapple pie whose ingredients include a crust made with graham crackers , a small can of crushed pineapple , a box of vanilla pudding / Pie mix and a 16-ounce container of sour cream .