
  • 网络Coffea arabica
  1. 小粒咖啡性状与产量的关系

    Relationship between Characters and Yield of Coffea arabica COFFEE TIME

  2. 田间不同水肥管理下小粒咖啡的生长和光合特性

    Growth and photosynthetic characteristics of field-grown Coffea arabica under different watering and fertilization managements

  3. 这是用烘焙过的小粒咖啡豆制作的一杯新鲜咖啡,在价值数十亿英镑的咖啡产业中,小粒咖啡是最主要的优质咖啡品种。

    A fresh brew1 prepared from the roasted beans of Arabica , the high-quality coffee that dominates the multibillion-pound coffee industry .

  4. 在传统上,中国以出产芳香的茶叶而闻名。如今,中国却日渐成为阿拉比卡咖啡豆(arabica,亦称小粒咖啡)这种截然不同的饮品在亚洲的重要生产国。

    China has traditionally been famous for its fragrant teas , but the country is emerging as a key Asian producer of a different beverage : quality arabica coffee .

  5. 云南小粒咖啡优良品种比较试验及丰产栽培示范

    Varieties Comparison and Cultivating Model on Fine Varieties of Coffea Arabic in Yunnan

  6. 保山的甘蔗、烟叶、茶叶和小粒咖啡有口皆碑。

    Baoshan is famous for such produce as sugarcane , tobacco , tea and fine grain coffee .

  7. 橡胶+咖啡,香蕉+咖啡,澳洲坚果+咖啡,龙眼、荔枝+咖啡是小粒咖啡间作的优势组合。

    The superiority combinations are rubbrt + coffee , banana + coffee , macadamia + coffee , longan and litchi + coffee .

  8. 超临界流体萃取法脱除云南小粒咖啡豆中咖啡因的研究及评香模型初建

    Removing Caffeine in Yunnan Coffee Beans by Supercritical Fluid Extraction ( SFE ) Technique and Setting up a Model for Coffee Flavour Appraisal

  9. 荧光抗体在热带作物小粒种咖啡的C3/C4属性鉴别中的应用

    Application of immunofluorescence to C_3 / C_4 attribute identification of a tropical crop , Coffea arabica

  10. 土壤干旱对小粒种咖啡有关生理参数的影响

    Effect of drying Soil on Relevant Physiological Parameters of Coffea Arabica

  11. 德宏小粒种咖啡叶片养分变化规律的观察

    Observation on Leaf ′ s Nutriment Variation of Arabica coffee in Dehong

  12. 小粒种咖啡幼龄树营养性状与产量性状的典型相关分析

    Canonical correlation analyses between vegetative characters and fruiting characters of young trees in Coffea arabica

  13. 小粒种咖啡光合特性的研究

    Coffee photosynthetic characteristics of Coffea arabica

  14. 以云南小粒种咖啡为主,配以其他进口咖啡豆,由专业焙炒师精心拼配焙制,铝塑拉链袋包装,方便每次取用后保存。

    Coffea Yunnan mainly , together with the other imported coffee beans , roasted by the teacher carefully blending professional baking system , aluminum zipper bag for easy access after each save .