
xiǎo niú ròu
  • veal;bobby veal
  1. 在小牛肉可能变质前,我把它们搁在冰箱里。

    I put the veal scallops into the refrigerator before they could spoil .

  2. 我们吃面食,caponata,小牛肉和沙拉。

    We ate pasta , caponata , veal and salad .

  3. 她先做的一道菜是青椒煎小牛肉,趁着锅还在火上偎着的机会,又做了一道拼盘。

    She sauteed veal and peppers , preparing a mixed salad while the pan simmered .

  4. 大个的平滑织纹的牛肉、小牛肉、猪肉熏制香肠。

    Large smooth-textured smoked sausage of beef and veal and pork .

  5. 那么主菜就上炸小牛肉吧。

    Then I 'll have veal cutlet for the main course .

  6. 搭配烤鸡肉、小牛肉或奶油意饭鲜美可口。

    Pair with roasted chicken or veal dishes or creamy risotto .

  7. 小牛肉是小牛犊身上的肉,小羊肉是羔羊身上的肉。

    Veal is young beef and lamb is a baby sheep .

  8. 把小牛肉用白葡萄酒浸泡两小时。

    Marinate the veal in white wine for two hours .

  9. 我也是。那么请给我们来两份小牛肉。

    So do I.Then please let us have two veal .

  10. 嫩煎的小牛肉肉片,裹有面包面团和干酪,和番茄沙司一起食用。

    Sauteed veal cutlet in a breadcrumb-and-cheese coating served with tomato sauce .

  11. 他们当然没有什么煎小牛肉。

    Of course , they don 't have veal scaloppini .

  12. 晚饭我做了份小牛肉杂烩。

    I 've made a ragout of veal for dinner .

  13. 清澈的汤,通常是炖牛肉、小牛肉或鸡肉的汤。

    Clear soup usually of beef or veal or chicken .

  14. 想在威尼斯吃小牛肉的我?

    The part of me that wanted to eat veal in Venice ?

  15. 可与小牛肉、鲑鱼、芝士搭配。

    A perfect complement to veal , salmon , cheeses .

  16. 抹猪油的小牛肉,炖后用它自己的汁液上光。

    Larded veal braised and glazed in its own juices .

  17. 都好了,小牛肉在冰箱里。

    It 's ready . veal 's in the fridge .

  18. 用于油炸或烤的薄肉片(尤指小牛肉)。

    Thin slice of meat ( especially veal ) usually fried or broiled .

  19. 这里有最好吃的煎小牛肉。

    It 's got the best veal scaloppini ever .

  20. 可以和羊肉,小牛肉,禽类或野味完美的搭配。

    A perfect complement to lamb , veal , poultry and delicate game .

  21. 小牛肉薄片中间塞满干酪和火腿,然后嫩煎。

    Thin slices of veal stuffed with cheese and ham and then sauteed .

  22. 让自己的儿子钉死,象一块小牛肉一样。

    He strung up his very own son like a side of veal .

  23. 与鸭肉,小牛肉及野鸡搭配极佳。

    It is a good match with duck , veal , and pheasant .

  24. 白色肉(家禽肉、小牛肉或猪肉)。

    White meat ( poultry , veal or pork )

  25. 嘿,杰克,你更喜欢哪一种,羊肉或小牛肉?

    Hey , Jack , which do you prefer , mutton or veal ?

  26. 吃过意大利面,我试了小牛肉。

    After the spaghetti , I tried the veal .

  27. 我不大烧小牛肉吃,因为那太贵了。

    I don 't cook veal very often because it 's quite expensive .

  28. 配新鲜风味的肉餐,如炖小牛肉和红酒炖羊肉。

    Enjoy with richly flavoured meat dishes like osso bucco and lamb daube .

  29. 成分:小牛肉,水,玉米淀粉。

    Ingredients : Veal , Water , Corn Starch .

  30. 那是头等的四方小牛肉。

    That is number one Western steer beef .