- 名PHS;Little Smart;Personal Handphone System

The Design of PHS Short Message Web Sending System
How to get current PHS users the smoothest possible transition to the existing CDMA network , has become an urgent problem in Fuzhou Telecom .
Detecting the Interaction of Doth-Ring and Traveler-Go-Home Service by Colored Petri Nets
The Research of Improving 3G Coverage With Sites and Outdoor Systems of PHS
3G Charging Design and Development of PHS Real - time Charging and Accounting System
Developing from PAS network to NGN
This paper also introduces the integration of Telephone intelligent platform PHS SMS system and OA System ; and security enhancement by VPN .
Since the SMS got under way in 2001 , the VAS of PHS has started up countrywide .
In China , PHS - based " Little Smart " has acquired rapid development under various factors .
Secondly , the thesis expatiates on the design of IP network . synchronization , signal and relay , as well as servers . Thirdly the thesis detailed the related configurations of core network .
Beijing Unicom centralized billing system is the core system of Beijing Unicom , it is also the important part of BSS .
In this paper , the frequency assignment problem of PHS ( Personal Handy-phone System ) is discussed and solved .
The key PHS technologies including air wireless interface , modulation and demodulation , multiplexing , ISDN U interface and V5 interface are discussed .
To solve the problems of unified deployment and management of communication equipment based on different protocols for general users , for example , IP phone , soft-switching , PHS , common fixed line phone and H.320/H .
PAS ( Personal Access System ) is one kind of telecom service which based on a wireless communication technic from Japan named PHS .
Therefore , the research company UT Starcom PHS sales channels and marketing strategies , the future of UT Starcom 3G mobile phone products from great value .
This paper introduces the position selection and setting method for base station in PHS wireless communication system as well as the divding method of paging region .
The third part is suggestion of how to improve PHS 's market share , which gives four aspects improvements from product development , price strategy , channel , promotion method through the SWOT analysis .
For the good of optimization of the network , first we need to analyze its principle and know something about the structure , mechanism and flow of the space access .
FMC is an inevitable choice for fixed network carriers to respond the competition of mobile services , and little smart acts as the same role .
Mobile Operators ' ( such as China Mobile , China Unicom ) gateway provided special service code based on Internet for Service Provider , and throuth seting up the connection with short message gateway SP launch the business .
China Mobile ( XX ) is playing a leading role based on the wide network and strong brand , China Telecom Mini Linktone ( XX ) wined the low point market by using of cheap price .
A large number of video phone and IPTV STB experts predict that video phone can connect not only with telecom telephone , personal handy phone or mobile / unicom telephone , but also with 3G telephones in the recent few years .
PHS ( Personal Handy-Phone System ) is the easy name of the wireless telephone . It is a kind of personal access system attached to the settled telephone which could realize wireless covering by micro comb technology .
Experienced a period of high-speed development , however , with the mature of mobile telecommunication market , lower tariff , especially the starting of 3G services from domestic and international carriers in succession , PHS service faced the big threat and challenge of sustainable development .
By means of detailed data analysis on the market advantage and development dilemma ( SWOT ) of Little-Smart , the author pointed out that China Telecom shall continue to develop its Little-Smart services in some area and meanwhile , suggested on the development of Little-Smart business to China Telecom .
These cases , such as Iridium Star communication system , AT & T , PAS , UT-Starcom , Hua-wei , etc. are analyzed in this paper , and conclusion is that it is beneficial for combining and harmful for separating about technology and market when technologic innovation is developed .
Disaster Recovery Project for Short Message of Personal Access Phone System
Completed the simulation to the iPAS emergency mobile communication system .
Setting up of PHS Bases Station and Divding of Paging Region