
xiǎo guàn mù
  • Small shrub;undershrub
小灌木[xiǎo guàn mù]
  1. 牡丹(PaeoniaSuffruticosa)为芍药属落叶小灌木。

    Peony ( Paeonia suffruticosa ) belongs to small shrubs of Paeonia .

  2. 在年降水量110mm以下的地区,生活型主要为小灌木或一年生草本;

    While less than 110 mm the plant main life forms are dwarf shrub or annual herbs .

  3. 在远一点,有了小灌木和仙人掌。

    Farther away , there are some small bushes and cactus .

  4. 北美和格陵兰寒冷地区的一种小灌木。

    Small shrub of colder parts of North America and Greenland .

  5. 第二天,在一个美丽的小灌木林里布置了野餐

    The next day a picnic be arranged In a beautiful coppice

  6. 有灰绿色叶子和黄花的小灌木,有蓝绿色的浆果。

    Small shrub with gray-green leaves and yellow flowers followed by glaucous blue berries .

  7. 澳大利亚西部和南部的小灌木,有略带桃色到玫瑰紫色的管状的花。

    Small shrub of southern and western Australia having pinkish to rosy purple tubular flowers .

  8. 我不明白羊吃小灌木这件事为什么如此重要。

    I did not understand why it was so important that sheep should eat little bushes .

  9. 小灌木状树,花紫色;分布于美国东南部土壤潮湿地区。

    Small shrubby tree with purple flowers ; found in wet soils of southeastern United States .

  10. 这种半常绿小灌木很受欢迎,有许多已命名的栽培品种及杂交品种。

    It is a popular , semi-evergreen garden shrub with many named cultivars and hybrids derived from it .

  11. 黄杨木是一种珍贵的常绿小灌木,生长在山地和多石的地方。

    Mast is a kind of precious evergreen shrub , growth in the hill-country of small stone and elsewhere .

  12. 他寻找的是在地表高温度生长被称为地热草的小灌木植物,。

    He looks for a small bushy plant known as geothermal grass , which thrives in high ground temperatures .

  13. 美国东南部的一种常绿小灌木或乔木;经常形成几乎密不可入的灌木丛。

    Small evergreen shrub or tree of southeastern United States ; often forms almost impenetrable thickets in sandy coastal areas .

  14. 一种小灌木,具有毛柄和细长的叶子,花头带有白色的边花;分布在美国的南部和墨西哥的北部。

    Subshrub with slender woolly stems and long narrow leaves and flower heads with white rays ; southern United States and northern Mexico .

  15. 随着沙漠之风圣阿纳斯的移动,大火靠着燃烧干燥的小灌木继续蔓延,加州刚刚度过了一个炎热的夏季和创纪录的干旱。

    The fires , fanned by desert winds called Santa anas , are being fueled by tinder-dry brush following a hot summer and record drought .

  16. 茜草科的模式属;旧大陆草本植物和小灌木的一个属,因从其根中萃取的药用和染色物质而被种植。

    Type genus of the Rubiaceae ; Old World herbs and subshrubs grown for their medicinal properties and for dye substances extracted from their roots .

  17. 使用铅笔或一个小灌木林,您能增加冲程提出在汽车的有些细节。这可以被申请于这样区域象车灯或者出气孔。

    While using a white pencil on a new layer , we can add strokes to parts of the car that you want to give more emphasis on .

  18. 广泛分布的一个常绿或半常绿小灌木属;美洲;产于欧洲和北非至小亚细亚和中亚。

    Widely distributed evergreen or semi-evergreen shrublets ; america ; europe and North Africa to Asia Minor and central asia ; includes plants often placed in genus crocanthemum .

  19. 兰浆果属杜鹃花科越桔属小灌木,是一种新兴的水果经济植物,且适宜在江西低丘红壤上生长。

    Blueberries , the shrub of ericaceae , is a kind of prosperous economic fruit plant which is fit to grow in hills ' red soil of Jiangxi Province .

  20. 板栗属喜光落叶深根性乔木,茶树是耐荫常绿根系较浅的小灌木。

    Chestnut ( Castanea mollissima Bl. ) is a deciduous deep-rooted tree which needs more sunlight , whereas tea ( Cameillia sinensis Kuntze ) is an evergreen shallow-rooted small shrub tolerant to shade .

  21. 它知道自己将永远也见不到那些亲爱的老朋友,周围那些小灌木林和花丛了——也许连鸟儿也不会再见到呢,别离真不是什么愉快的事情。

    He well knew that he should never see his dear old comrades , the little bushes and flowers around him , anymore ; perhaps not even the birds ! The departure was not at all agreeable .

  22. 它知道自己将永远也见不到那些亲爱的老朋友,周围那些小灌木林和花丛了——也许连鸟儿也不会再见到呢,别离真不是甚么愉快的事情。

    It knew that it should never again see its dear old companions , the trees , nor the little bushes and many-colored flowers that had grown by its side ; perhaps not even the birds . Neither was the journey at all pleasant .

  23. 结合实际应用中的具体情况,重点介绍了适合应用的20种常绿草本植物、15种小灌木和10种蕨类,推荐了20种适合应用的苔藓植物。

    According to practical application in specific situations , 20 species of evergreen herbaceous plants , 15 species of small shrubs and 10 species of ferns which were applied appropriately were introduced in detail , and 20 species bryophytes which were applied appropriately were recommended .

  24. 小的灌木或塔斯马尼亚岛上的树种,有短的硬枝。

    Small shrub or Tasmania having short stiff branches .

  25. 小的灌木状的澳洲油桉。斑点状分布的含油地区

    Small shrubby mallee . spotted oil territory

  26. 我吃草和小的灌木,能行走数天不喝水。

    I eat grass and small shrubs and can go for days without drinking water .

  27. 欧洲的一种小落叶灌木,花芳香、淡紫色,有毒的嫩枝上结有红色的浆果。

    Small European deciduous shrub with fragrant lilac-colored flowers followed by red berries on highly toxic twigs .

  28. 马达加斯加的一种小的灌木状的乔木,在热带地区作为绿篱植物栽培,果深红色、微酸、味似李子。

    Small shrubby tree of Madagascar cultivated in tropical regions as a hedge plant and for its deep red acid fruits resembling small plums .

  29. 任何属于杜鹃花属的灌木:常绿灌木或小的灌木树,有坚韧的叶子和艳丽的钟状的花丛。

    Any shrub of the genus Rhododendron : evergreen shrubs or small shrubby trees having leathery leaves and showy clusters of campanulate ( bell-shaped ) flowers .

  30. 油茶(Camelliaoleifera)属山茶科山茶属常绿小乔木或灌木,是我国特有的重要木本食用油料树种。

    Oil-tea ( Camellia Oleifera ) is a small evergreen tree or shrub belongs to theaceae , which is an important woody specie provide unique edible oil .