
xiǎo suì
  • spikelet
小穗[xiǎo suì]
  1. f3、f4均由一个性状构成,分别叫作小穗数因子和有效穗数因子。

    F_3 and f_4 , formed by one trait , called spikelet factor and spike number factor respectively .

  2. 非1B/1R和1B/1R类型小麦K型雄性不育系穗长和小穗数性状的遗传分析

    Genetic Analysis on Spike Length and Spikelet Number of Non 1B / 1R and 1B / 1R K Type Wheat Male Sterile Lines

  3. 水稻小穗cDNA文库的构建

    Construction of A cDNA Library from the Developing Rice Ears

  4. 分别调查了早、中、晚三季环境下F2群体的花粉育性和小穗育性。

    The pollen and spikelet fertility were investigated in three seasons .

  5. BR和BR(120)在小麦离体小穗培养中对颖果形成的影响

    Effect of br_ ( 120 ) on Caryopsis forming of Spikelet in vitro in Wheat

  6. 运用MAPMAKER/QTL和QTLCartographer软件进行了区间分析,两种方法均发现Xgwm294与每穗小穗数的QTL紧密连锁,而且距离很近,分别为0.0cM和0.01cM,几乎就位于该标记处。

    The QTL interval mapping analysis was carried out with MAPMAKER / QTL and QTL Cartographer .

  7. 但在顶小穗形成之前,ZT/IAA与小穗数目之间具有极显著的正相关。

    The value of ZT / IAA is significantly and positively related to spikelet number before the top spikelet formation .

  8. 据此认为,GA、IAA、ZT和ABA均参与了对小穗数目的调控,其中ZT/IAA值对小穗数目的调控作用尤为重要。

    These results show that the spikelet number is regulated by GA , IAA , ZT and ABA , especially the value of ZT / IAA .

  9. 利用野败型不育系缙1A对33份美国稻的恢保关系进行了测定,观测了F1的小穗育性。

    Wild abortion ( WA ) type CMS line Jin 1A was used to test-cross with 33 American rice varieties and F_1 pollen fertility was tested .

  10. SNB在所检测的所有组织中都表达,但在新长出的小穗分生组织中表达特别强。

    SNB is expressed in all the examined tissues , but most strongly in the newly emerging spikelet meristems .

  11. 小穗及颖花原基形成期;结果表明:单棱期幼穗中较高含量的GA3有利于小穗的分化;

    The results showed that relatively high GA 3 content in young spikes at single ridge stage was beneficial to the differentiation of spikelets .

  12. 在小穗育性上,三种环境均在6号染色体检测到QTL,以显性效应为主,遗传贡献率在9%以上。

    About spikelet fertility , the same QTL with dominant effect was detected on chromosome 6 in the three environments , and its heritability was more than 9 % .

  13. FZP是水稻中控制小穗分化的一个关键基因。

    Frizzy panicle ( FZP ) is a key gene for spikelet differentiation in rice .

  14. 我们之前已经报道过SNB(多颖壳)基因,它调控着水稻小穗分生组织向花分生组织的转变。

    We previously reported that SUPERNUMERARY BRACT ( SNB ) regulates the transition of spikelet meristems into floral meristems in rice .

  15. 分枝穗(branchedspike)通过主穗轴节上形成支穗轴着生更多小穗,从而增加了小穗的数目和穗粒数。

    Branches spike through ears branched formed on the main spike node quarter main spikelet bears the team more spikelet , thus increasing the number and spikelet number of grains per ear .

  16. 与可育株相比,其穗子较长,小穗数多,但千粒重较低,开花一般迟2~4d,而早花父本衍生的后代花期也早,迟花父本后代花期较迟。

    Compared with fertility , the sterility showed longer spike , more spikelet , lower kernel weight and 2 ~ 4 days later flowering related to the male backcross parents .

  17. 据前人研究及本试验结果分析认为,88F21855的1B及4D染色体上具控制小穗数目的新基因。

    Arsed on the results in the previous studies and in present experiment , it was speculated that chromosome iB and 4D of " 88F2185 " carried new genes controlling spikelet number .

  18. 本试验用2个抗赤霉病品种和2个感病品种的4×4双列杂交的F1和F2代,研究了小麦赤霉病病小穗率的遗传;

    The rate of the spikelets infected with scab in both F1 and F2 individuals were studied to study the inheritance of the resistance to scab in wheat . A 4 × 4 half-diallel device with two resistant and two susceptible parents was adopted in the experiment .

  19. T0及T1代转化植株均呈现了一些形态变异,如矮化、无分蘖或多分蘖、结实率降低、粒型或穗型改变、小穗结构改变等。

    Some morphological variations were observed in T_0 and T_1 transgenic plants such as dwarf , non-tiller or multi-tillers , decrease of seed-setting , changes of grain or panicle shape or spikelet structure .

  20. 对莱州953与2个导入系(IL-15、IL-16)的单株穗数、穗长、小穗数、穗粒数4个性状进行了调查。

    Four traits , the spikes per plant , spike length , grains number per spike , spikelets of Laizhou 953 and 2 introgression lines were investigated .

  21. 本文我们分离到了一个控制小穗分生组织向花分生组织转变以及花器官发育的基因SUPERNUMERARYBRACT(SNB)。

    Here , we report the identification of the SUPERNUMERARY BRACT ( SNB ) gene controlling the transition from spikelet meristem to floral meristem and the floral organ development .

  22. 说明S-5位点是影响亚种间小穗育性的关键位点,在亚种间杂交稻育种中,必须首先克服S-5位点造成的育性障碍。

    Therefore , S-5 was proved to be a key locus conferring spikelet sterility of rice indica / japonica hybrids .

  23. 穗长4.5~5cm,穗粒数50~60粒,小穗排列较密集,千粒重30~34克。籽粒黄色,大小较均匀。

    The length of ear is 4.5 & 5 cm and spikelets are densely arranged with 50-60 barley corns per ear and seed weight being 30-34 / 1000.Barley corns are yellowish and uniform in size .

  24. 对其进一步的上位性分析表明,有8条染色体的4对位点存在基因间互作,小穗育性耐热性除受主效QTL控制外,还受基因间互作及修饰基因的影响。

    Further analysis of epistatic effected QTLs for relative heat tolerance showed that four pairs of loci exhibited interaction on 8 chromosomes , which indicated that the heat tolerance of spikelet fertility was not only controlled by main effect QTL but also influenced by gene interaction .

  25. 郑州点豫麦49-198品种,拔节后28d时追氮T4处理不同小穗位各花位小花发育有减缓趋势。

    But the floret development , that in every floret locations of different spikelets , obviously slowed in post-jointing stage 28d in treatment that of topdressing with nitrogen in post-returning stage 30d ( T4 ) with YM 49-198 in Zhengzhou .

  26. 表型鉴定认为gll突变体小穗上的颖花变异主要表现为浆片颖壳化和外颖增加。

    It was shown that a wide variety of spikelet developmental defects exhibit from outer to inner floral organs in gll mutant , which main mutant phenotypes are glume-like lodicule and the extra glume .

  27. C4群体中不育株和可育株的穗发病率,病小穗数和病情指数分别比C0群体下降6.87%和5.99%、23.21%和23.25%、5.04%和1.45%。

    Spikelets infected with scab , disease incidence and disease index of the sterile plants and fertile plants in population C. were 23.32 % and 23.25 % , 6.87 % and 5.99 % , 5.04 % and 1.45 % lower than those in population Co , respectively .

  28. 结果表明:玉米花序经过了无性、双性到单性的发育过程,在茎尖伸长和小穗原基突起时期,雄花序中内源iPAs、ZRs、GA3和ZEN含量最高并高于雌花序;

    The results showed that the development of flowers of both sexes passed through asexual , bisexual and unisexual stages . The contents of iPAs , ZRs , GA 3 and ZEN in tassels were significantly higher than in ears during the elongation of meristem and spikelet initiation .

  29. 杂交组合H9908×扬麦158、H9908×苏麦6号和宁W0065×豫麦50表现株高适中、结实小穗数与每穗粒数多以及粒重高等特点。

    The three crosses of H9908 × Yangmai 158 , H9908 × Sumai 6 and Ning W0065 × Yumai 50 were characterized as moderate plant height , more fertile spikelets and kernel numbers per spike and higher grain weight .

  30. 无芒雀麦的小穗主要分布在花序的下部,小穗上的小花数和种子数则在花序的上部最多。

    Florets and seeds per spikelet distributed on the upper panicle .