
suì zhuànɡ huā xù
  • spike
  1. 一种沼泽草本植物,有紫色花的长穗状花序;原产于欧洲,但现在已遍布美国东部。

    Marsh herb with a long spike of purple flowers ; originally of Europe but now rampant in eastern United States .

  2. 一种生于欧亚的兰花,花呈粉红色或紫色,成疏穗状花序。

    Eurasian orchid with showy pink or purple flowers in a loose spike .

  3. 一种风信子,穗状花序具疏散的花,一个鳞茎上生出几个花序。

    Hyacinth with loosely flowered spikes , several growing from one bulb .

  4. 植株的花密生,穗状花序密集球果形。

    The leafy stems of the plant bear flowers in dense conelike spikes .

  5. 一种黄锦带属灌木,浅紫色花有下垂的穗状花序。

    Shrub honeysuckle with drooping spikes of purplish flowers .

  6. 莎草科的一个属,花排列成紧密的穗状花序,叶退化成基生的鞘。

    Sedges having dense spikes of flowers and leaves reduced to basal sheaths .

  7. 买麻藤雌雄异株,具穗状花序。

    G. montanum is dioecious with spike inflorescence .

  8. 有黄色穗状花序的北美植物,生长于湿润地区。

    North American plant with spikes of yellow flowers , found in wet places .

  9. 多年生澳大利亚草,有许多像风车翼的花组成的穗状花序。

    Perennial Australian grass having numerous long spikes arranged like the vanes of a windmill .

  10. 穗状花序,两性花密集着生于粗大的花轴上。

    Its anthotaxy is spica , and amphimixis flowers is serried inserted on the thick rachis .

  11. 花序为簇生花序组成的穗状花序或复穗状花序或单个腋生,是典型的具小叶的花序类型和具苞片的花序类型的过渡花序类型。

    It was spike or compound spike or individual inflorescence , which was made fascicled inflorescence .

  12. 风车子属众多灌木和小木的任何一种,呈穗状花序。

    Any of numerous shrubs or small trees of the genus Combretum having spikes of small flowers .

  13. 一种产于美洲的水生草本植物,生长在浅溪和池塘里,花蓝色,排成穗状花序,叶心形或箭形。

    American plant having spikes of blue flowers and growing in shallow water of streams and ponds .

  14. 欧洲中部和南部及小亚细亚的一种树,叶呈长椭圆形,毛尖状,有穗状花序裂片。

    Large deciduous tree of central and southern Europe and Asia Minor having oblong-lanceolate leaves with spiked lobes .

  15. 海寿,眼子菜北美洲东部的一种淡水植物,有带有长柄的心形叶和紫蓝色穗状花序。

    A freshwater plant of eastern North America , having heart-shaped leaves with long petioles and spikes of violet-blue flowers .

  16. 有全裂叶子和绿色穗状花序的一年生植物;北美洲常见;由于偶然因素其他地方。

    Annual weed with finely divided foliage and spikes of green flowers ; common in North America ; introduced elsewhere accidentally .

  17. 有生殖力的南美洲水生野草,有类似草的叶子和白色穗状花序;大量漂浮阻塞水道。

    Prolific South American aquatic weed having grasslike leaves and short spikes of white flowers ; clogs waterways with dense floating masses .

  18. 马缨丹属各种芳香植物的任一种,主要是热带灌木类马缨丹属,有浓密的穗状花序或头状花序和颜色鲜艳的小花。

    Any of various aromatic , chiefly tropical shrubs of the genus lantana , having dense spikes or heads and small colorful flowers .

  19. 一个芦苇状的禾草属,其穗状花序密集成圆锥状,密生长绢质毛。心灵预言系许多异能的影响区域是锥状。

    Genus of reedlike grasses having spikes crowded in a panicle covered with long silky hairs . Many Clairsentience powers have cone-shaped areas .

  20. 中美洲,西印度群岛,波多离各热带乔木的一种,白色穗状花序;用做咖啡种植场的遮荫树。

    Tropical tree of Central America and West Indies and Puerto Rico having spikes of white flowers ; used as shade for coffee plantations .

  21. 在野外环境下,一串红是一种生命力很强的灌木,可以生长到九英尺高(约合2.7米),带有亮绿色的叶子和三英尺长(约合0.9米)的猩红色穗状花序。

    In the wild , S. splendens is a vigorous shrub that can grow to nine feet tall with bright green leaves and three-foot-long scarlet flower spikes .

  22. 车前草一种车前草属植物,其淡绿色小花排成紧密的穗状花序,尤指两种欧亚大陆的野草大车前草或矛尖状车前草之一。

    Any of various plants of the genus Plantago that produce dense spikes of small greenish flowers , especially either of two Eurasian weeds , P.major or P.lanceolata .

  23. 温度对芦苇不同部位分解动态的影响一个芦苇状的禾草属,其穗状花序密集成圆锥状,密生长绢质毛。

    Effect of temperatures on leaf , sheath and stem decomposition dynamic of Phragmites Australis genus of reedlike grasses having spikes crowded in a panicle covered with long silky hairs .

  24. 北美东部的一种沼泽兰花,花纯白、流苏状,穗状花序。鄂尔多斯东北缘早白垩世冰川泥石流沉积的发现及其成因证据

    Bog orchid of eastern North America with a spike of pure white fringed flowers . DISCOVERY AND ITS GENETIC EVIDENCES OF EARLY CRETACEOUS GLACIAL DEBRIS FLOW IN THE NORTHEAST MARGIN OF ORDOS

  25. 美国西南部和墨西哥沙漠地区的一种灰绿色灌木,叶极疏,蓝紫色花成顶生穗状花序;为当地一种重要的蜜源植物,产生一种味道优良的淡色蜜。

    Grayish-green shrub of desert regions of southwestern United States nd Mexico having sparse foliage and terminal spikes of bluish violet flowers ; locally important as source of a light-colored honey of excellent flavor .

  26. 有毛叶、叶形的穗状花序和灰白色花冠的北方温带产子多年生植物。温带盐沼地区的匙叶草属植物,具有白色或淡紫色穗状花序。

    Weedy perennial of north temperate regions having woolly foliage and dirty white flowers in a leafy spike . any of various plants of the genus Limonium of temperate salt marshes having spikes of whit or mauve flowers .

  27. 一种美洲春天开花的林地草本植物,具有鞘的叶,一个直立的棒状肉穗状花序,果实为鲜红色。顶端带有易燃物的木棒或纸棒。

    Common American spring-flowering woodland herb having sheathing leaves and an upright club-shaped spadix with overarching green and purple spathe producing scarlet berries . thin piece of wood or cardboard tipped with combustible chemical ; ignites with friction .

  28. 一个高大的禾本属,具穗状的总状花序,一年或多年生;产于温暖地区。

    Tall annual or perennial grasses with spikelike racemes ; warm regions .