- 网络Hotaka;FASTRAX;Shin Hodaka;SHINMEN HODAKA;Hodaka Yamakaw

Effect of the Spike Position Height Coefficient on Yield Characteristics in Maize
The results showed that the spike position height coefficient has positive relevance with spike length , grains per row , 1000 grains weight and yield and negative relevance with rows per spike and spike diameter .
QTL Analysis of Plant Height and Ear Height in Maize under Different Water Regimes
Analysis showed that the GCA variance of plant height , ear height and ear length in male parents were notable .
High contents of iPA and ZR at the pistil and stamen primordium differentiation stage could promote the formation of fertile florets per spike .
The genetic model of maize including the plant height , ear diameter , ear length , ear placement , row number , grain length , 100 grain weight and plot yield was studied using augmented NC ⅱ design .
Increasing efficiency agent and reactive enzyme soil organic structure regulator ( BZ and AG agents ) to handle the growth for rice growth , increasing rice groups , tillering more into Sui rates ;
The optimum genetic models of ear height , tassel branch number and ear diameter were C-0 , the inheritance were controlled by additive-dominance-epitasis polygene .
The growing stage , height of stem and ear position , ear length and ear width had not significant difference with common maize , but the length of bare tip of ear were notable shorter and number of ear grain and yield were notable higher than common maize .
These traits related yield such as the plant height , ear height , ear length , ear diameter , kernel rate and grain weight decreased , which might result in lower yield in o2-NILs combination than normal corn combinations . 5 .
The rice plant population with more effective tillers was high - yielding .
Analysis of Genetic Effect and Genetype by Environment of Ear Height on Maize
Was studied . The results indicated that maize yield was highly significantly correlated with seven characters of plant height etc.
After PKN treatment , two varieties of plant height , ear height , ground dry weight , root to shoot ratio decreased .
Leave numbers per plant before winter , tiller number were less , leaves wered small , while percentage of earbearing tiller was high ;
The results showed that the sustainable high yield population was characterized by high earing rate , big spike size and high ratio of grain-straw .
Root-lodging grade was significant correlation with height of plant and ear and number of brace root , but non-significant correlation with stem quality properties .
The number of tiller leaf position of artificial transplanting rice was more , earbearing tiller percentage was higher and panicle number per plant was more .
Through observing character of 4 generation from D_0 to D_3 , the height of plant the height of fruit and area of leaf are all variety .
Compared with conventional tillage and direct seeding ( CT-DS ) rice , NT-DS rice displayed weaker tillering capability , less unproductive tiller number and higher productive tiller percentage .
The difference of plant height , ear height , a height of gravity center showed significant between nitrogen levels were significant , but not between levels of silicon .
According to the records of tiller growth , it can be seen from CCF treatments that tillers increased gently and the tiller peak appeared smooth at early growth phase .
( 3 ) Plant height of parent lines was relative stable from the 1970s to the 2000s . Ear height decreased , and the trend was enhanced at higher densities .
In contrast , potted seedlings transplanted and inseminate technology can effectively avoid mechanical damage , slow-fast , seedling quality high , low section-spike tiller , rate , saving costs and many other features .
And plant height , ear height , base stem width , ear weight and grain weight per ear of maize ( under ) ( intercropping ) are lower than that ( under ) monoculture .
The results showed that : the hereditary capacity of the numbers of leaves , ear position , silking stage and plant height were higher than other major characters , these characters can be selected at early generation .
Combinations of 114 × 15 , 114 × 12 are higher in SCA . They are appropriate for the height of plant and ear position . They belong to strong heterosis combinations of big ear and big kernel .
( CK ), better disease resistance to powdery mildew , rust and leaf wilt , more tillers and spikes per plant , average 30 grains per spike , higher plant , lower thousand-grain weight , and high quality .
The results showed that the rice variety " Shenyou 1 " was appropriate to the application of SRI due to its strong tillering ability , high percentage of ear-bearing tiller , big ear , and high filled-grain percentage .
The yield of furrow dibble planting corn is increased by 17.69 % ~ 17.92 % than the ridge planting . The plant height , height of ear position , ear perimeter and stem perimeter of the former are also increased .