
  • 网络springtime in a small town;Spring in a Small Town
  1. 作为开诗化电影先河的《小城之春》在今人看来,依然烛照着女性意识光辉。

    As a pioneer of poetic films ," Springtime In a Small Town " directed by Fei Mustill shines with female consciousness .

  2. 贾樟柯说他的灵感来自中国经典电影《小城之春》,也是关于发生在中国东部的一个水乡小镇的旧情人团聚的故事。

    Jia has stated that he was inspired by the classic Chinese film Spring in a Small Town , also about the reuniting of former lovers in a rural river town in eastern China .

  3. 《小城之春》:欲望缺席的年代

    The Absent of Lust : Springtime in A Small City

  4. 《小城之春》、《卧虎藏龙》和《花样年华》都是化用中国古典意境的佳作,而各自的风格又全然不同,体现了独特的民族文化特色。

    Spring of the Small Town , Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon and In the Mood for Love are three excellent film works in Chinese classical mood with different styles and distinctive national culture .

  5. 电影《小城之春》在内容上体现出的诗化风格,在视听语言中渗透的中国传统美学特点以及对诗歌的表现手法的借用,确证了《小城之春》在中国电影史上的经典地位。

    The poem style embodied in content , traditional aesthetic characteristic of China and tactics of poem reflected in the seeing and hearing language , These characteristics make Xiao Cheng Zhi Chun become the classical film .