
duì jiǎo yōu shì
  • diagonal dominance
对角优势[duì jiǎo yōu shì]
  1. 本文考虑Nyquist阵列法中的对角优势问题,讨论了由常数阵实现对角优势的条件与算法。

    The problem of achieving diagonal dominance in Nyquist Array design method was considered in this paper .

  2. 在INA(InverseNyquistArray)设计方法中,设计系统的关键是利用补偿器使控制对象实现对角优势。

    In the INA ( inverse Nyquist array ) design technique , the key to designing a control system is to achieve diagonal dominance by compensators .

  3. 严格对角优势矩阵PE方法的收敛性

    The convergence of the PE method for strictly diagonally dominant coefficient matrix

  4. 文章在证明大范围收敛定理时,假设M是不可约对角优势矩阵,采用一维Newton寻查的方法,保证算法的收敛性。

    Large-scale convergence theorem was proved under the condition that matrix M is irreducible diagonally dominant by Newton 's method with line search .

  5. 这是以对角优势理论为基础的INA法在未知多变量系统中的推广。

    Inverse Nyquist Array method based on diagonal domi - nance theory is extended to unknown multivariable systems .

  6. INA法的基本思想是通过选择预补偿器使原系统的逆前向传递函数矩阵成为对角优势阵,从而实现各输入输出变量之间的基本解耦。

    The INA 's basic idea is that , through selecting pro - ( compensator ,) inverse pro-transitive function matrix of previous system can be changed into diagonal preponderance matrix .

  7. 基于对角优势化补偿的传感器动态解耦研究

    Study of Dynamic Decoupling of Sensor Based on Diagonal Predominance Compensation

  8. 矩阵正规程度的度量与矩阵的对角优势度

    The normality of a matrix and its degree of diagonal dominance

  9. 多变量系统对角优势问题的混合计算机研究

    Study of Diagonal Dominance in A Multivariable Control System with Hybrid-computer

  10. 关于不可约弱广义对角优势阵一文的注记

    Notes on the paper on the irreducible weak generalized diagonally dominant matrices

  11. 使用对角优势化近似模型时线性系统的稳定性

    Stability of Linear Systems by Using Diagonally Dominant Approximate Models

  12. 鲁棒对角优势及在多变量系统鲁棒设计中应用

    Robust Diagonal Dominance and Application in Multivariable System Robust Design

  13. 对于没有必要完全解耦的复杂的高阶系统,介绍了对角优势化,使系统实现近似解耦。

    For the complex high order system , diagonal dominance is introduced .

  14. 利用常数补偿器实现对角优势的二步法

    A Two-Step Method for Achieving Diagonal Dominance by Constant Compensator

  15. 多变量频域控制理论的对角优势化方法

    Diagonal Dominance for the Design of Multivariable Control Systems

  16. 用常数阵实现对角优势的条件和算法

    The Condition and the Algorithm for Achieving Diagonal Dominance with a Constant Compensator

  17. 相似变换下对角优势矩阵研究

    Study on diagonal dominance matrix under similarity transformation

  18. 利用常数补偿器实现鲁棒对角优势

    Realizations of Robust Diagonal Dominance by Constant Compensator

  19. 篮球·女孩·肋骨对角优势的可实现性

    Achieving diagonal dominance basketball girl · rib

  20. 实现对角优势的动态补偿器的设计

    Design of Diagonal Dominance by Dynamic Compensator

  21. 分解、拟合和对角优势

    Decomposition , fitting and diagonal dominance

  22. 非线性广义块对角优势函数

    Nonlinear Generalized Block Diagonally Dominant Functions

  23. 对角优势的可实现性艺术引导时尚

    Art leads fad achieving diagonal dominance

  24. 本文研究了利用常数补偿器实现鲁棒对角优势的问题。

    In this paper , the realizations of robust diagonal dominance by constant compensator are discussed .

  25. 本文得出的鲁棒对角优势保证鲁棒稳定的结果是较少保守性的。

    The result of robust diagonal dominance guaranteeing robust stability in this paper is less conservative .

  26. 实现对角优势的最优化方法

    Optimization Method for Realizing Diagonal Dominance

  27. 广义强对角优势矩阵(即H-矩阵)在数值分析尤其是矩阵迭代分析中有着广泛的应用。

    In this paper , we discuss characterizations of the generalized strictly diagonally dominant matrices , namely H-matrices .

  28. 该算法既利用了节点导纳矩阵的对角优势,又充分利用了稀疏结构的对称性。

    It takes full advantage of both the diagonally dominant property of the nodal admittance matrix and the symmetric property of sparseness structure .

  29. 在传统的伪对角化方法的基础上,提出了鲁棒的伪对角化方法,并研究了系统鲁棒对角优势的实现条件。

    Based on the traditional pseudodiagonalization , robust pseudodiagonalization is presented ; necessary and sufficient condition for achieving robust diagonal dominance is deduced .

  30. 该算法将鲁棒对角优势和遗传算法相结合,综合考虑各摄动系统的关联性,搜寻最优的鲁棒解耦控制器。

    Combining robust diagonal dominance with genetic algorithm , the method integrates the interactions of perturbed systems to search for the optimal robust decoupling controller .