
  • 网络opposition;oppositeness relation;adversarial relationship;Antonymy;contradictory relation
  1. 而莱辛在其《金色笔记》中颠覆了它们之间的二元对立关系。

    In The Golden Notebook , Doris Lessing absolutely subverts this binary opposition .

  2. 自此,莱辛颠覆了理智与疯狂的二元对立关系。

    In this way , Lessing subverts the binary opposition between rationality and insanity .

  3. 在我国,官商之间存在一种对立关系。

    In our country there is an adversarial relationship between government and business .

  4. 西班牙和美国之间创造性的对立关系是富恩特斯偏执的意淫,并反复出现在一部叫做“TerraNostra”的庞大历史幻想中和一篇叫做“TheBuriedMirror”的拓展性论文里。

    The creative antagonism of the relationship between Spain and America was an obsession for Mr Fuentes , recurring in " Terra Nostra , " a sprawling historical fantasy , and " The Buried Mirror , " an extended essay .

  5. 反义关系及对立关系是词汇中的一种重要的语言现象。

    Antonymy and antonyms are very important in the lexical semantics .

  6. 人与社会之间的关系一般可分为结合关系和对立关系。

    There are associative and opposite relations between man and society .

  7. 论文学史研究中的几组二元对立关系

    A Few Pairs of Dual Opposites in the Study of Literary History

  8. 结果分析及对策探讨。城市化和环境,也不是必然的对立关系。

    Urbanization and environment are not born to oppose to each other .

  9. 部分空间极性词组配前的语义对立关系在与其他语言单位组配后会发生变化。

    The opposite semantic relation between some spatial polar words will be changed .

  10. 从对塔雷金娜教学控制论的研究中,作者得出两点启示:心理学对立关系发展存在动态平衡规律;

    The development of opposite relation in psychology existed a dynamic but balanceable discipline ;

  11. 首先,小说体现了文明与自然二元对立关系的解构。

    Firstly , Lessing illustrates the deconstruction of binary opposition between civilizations and nature .

  12. 这放大了辩论中我们与他们的对立关系。

    It magnifies the us-versus-them aspect of it .

  13. 在你所描述的环境里面并不存在这样的对立关系。

    What you are describing is an environment where this dichotomy doesn 't exist .

  14. 你能解释下为什么胜任文化和协作文化在模型中是对立关系吗?

    Can you explain how competence and collaboration are actually opposites in the model ?

  15. 二者是相互影响、相互作用的二元对立关系。

    The two are in a dual contradictive relationship by interacting and influencing each other .

  16. 改变这种对立关系的最佳办法就是实施生命化教育。

    The best way to change the contrary relations is implemented the life of education .

  17. 作为矛盾对立关系的异化,成熟时期的马克思沿用了它;

    Marx at a mature stage used alienation as a term indicating a contradictory relation .

  18. 实证分析与规范分析之间不是单纯的对立关系,而是辩证统一的关系。

    Their relationship is that of a dialectical unity , not merely an opposing one .

  19. 其次,男人与女人性别二元对立关系的解构也贯穿于作品始终。

    Secondly , it refers to the deconstruction of binary opposition between men and women .

  20. 集中与竞争之间的对立关系尽管演变为新的形态,但仍在继续。

    The dialectic of concentration versus competition continues , even as it mutates into new forms .

  21. 教学的二重属性不是非此即彼的对立关系,而是共存、互补关系。

    And the relationship between the duality of teaching is coexistence and complementary , not opposite .

  22. 语义的对比关系和对立关系

    On semantic opposites and contrasts

  23. 公正、效益二者之间是互相独立又互相依存的关系,而不是此消彼长的对立关系。

    The relations between justice and benefits are both independent and interdependent , not contradictious each other .

  24. 这种等级对立关系反映事物在数量、程度、地位等特征方面的差异。

    This kind of scalar opposition reflects the differences in quantity , degree , and rank of things .

  25. 正是从这个意义上讲,政府与市场不是简单的对立关系。

    It is in this sense , the government and the market is not a simple mutually exclusive .

  26. 首先,我们要澄清一个问题,民族国家认同和欧洲集体认同之间的关系不是非此即彼的零和对立关系。

    At the beginning , we must clarify the relationship between the nation-state identity and the European collective identity .

  27. 中西荒诞戏剧承传论王小波作品中的二元对立关系的分解

    On the Dissemination of Chinese and Western Absurd Drama Dissemination of Binary Oppositions in WANG Xiao Bo 's Fictions

  28. 四是在合规监管与风险监管方面,合规性监管与风险性监管并不是对立关系,也不是低级与高级的关系,不能代表监管的两个阶段。

    Fourthly , the relationship between compliance supervision and risk supervision are neither opposite nor high or low level .

  29. 它可以通过研究语言使用模式揭示文本的深层主题,适于分析对立关系的语言。

    It can expose the theme of texts through linguistic patterns , and befits studying language full of antagonism .

  30. 但是根据对中国和其他非西方文化中的乐器分类法的考察,可说其中并未局限于从上述二元对立关系来谈乐器分类。

    For reviewing the Chinese classification as well as the other non-West culture way , it was not adopted the West system .