
ɡuǎ tóu zhènɡ zhì
  • oligarchy
寡头政治 [guǎ tóu zhèng zhì]
  • [oligarchy] 指由少数人掌握政权的一种统治形式

  1. 难道你不认为寡头政治有点精英主义吗?

    Don 't you think an oligarchy would be too elitist ?

  2. 而民主政体总是倾向于给寡头政治和专制暴政让路;

    Democracy was always likely to give way to oligarchy or tyranny .

  3. 也许我们应该考虑寡头政治。

    Maybe we should consider an oligarchy .

  4. 卢拉总统以反对旧式的寡头政治的形象出现,现在却在他们的帮助下管理政府。

    President Lula , who presented himself as the scourge of old-style oligarchs , now governs with their help .

  5. 其二是寡头政治的资本主义,这种制度下的绝大部分权力与财富都掌握在少数个人与家族的手中。

    Second , oligarchic capitalism , in which the bulk of the power and wealth is held by a small group of individuals and families .

  6. 当然,我们在这里提到了威尼斯和英格兰,我们所指的不是那些民族,而是那些社会结构,指高踞在那些民族上面的寡头政治,不是那些民族本身。

    It is well understood here , that by the words Venice , England , we designate not the peoples , but social structures ; the oligarchies superposed on nations , and not the nations themselves .

  7. 幽灵般洛可可式纵情狂欢,枝型吊灯,挂毯和中国风格,自夸有丰富的私人卧室款待严肃的寡头政治(价格惊人的普通,只要你不点龙虾和鲨鱼翅汤)。

    An orgy of phantasmagoric rococo , chandeliers , tapestries and chinoiserie , it boasts opulent private rooms for serious oligarchic entertaining ( although the prices are surprisingly moderate , if you avoid the lobster and the shark-fin soup ) .

  8. 在叶利钦手下,俄罗斯的寡头们通过政治影响力躲避了竞争。

    Under Yeltsin , the oligarchs were shielded from competition by their political clout .

  9. 那些没有身陷囹圄和流亡海外的“寡头”的确在政治上都选择了“沉默是金”。

    Those " oligarchs " not in prison or exile are indeed politically quiescent .