
  • 网络affluent consumers
  1. 新计划旨在尽快和尽可能轻松地提振消费,它没有提到任何条件,而且聚焦于拥有富裕消费者和发达零售网络的大城市。

    The new measure , is designed to kick-start buying as quickly and easily as possible as it does not mention any conditions and focuses on big cities with affluent consumers and well-developed retail networks .

  2. 波士顿咨询公司最近做的一项研究显示,到2020年中国将会有2.2亿家庭收入在2万到100万美元的富裕消费者。他们中75%住在较小城市。

    A recent study conducted by the Boston Consulting Group says there will be 220 million affluent consumers , who are from households earning between $ 20,000 to $ 1 million , in China by 2020 , and 75 percent of them will live in smaller cities .

  3. 一方面,中国日益壮大的富裕消费者可能会欣然接受3D电视。

    On one hand , China 's growing class of wealthy consumers may be a receptive audience .

  4. 法国酿酒巨头保乐力加(PernodRicard)的管理层上周向《华尔街日报》表示,他们面向亚洲富裕消费者推出了零售价2000美元一瓶的RoyalSalute62GunSalute等产品,销售地点有酒吧、会所,也有机场免税店。

    Executives at French drinks giant Pernod Ricard RI.FR 0.00 % told the Journal this week they are targeting affluent Asian buyers , whether at bars and clubs or at airport duty-free counters , with products like the Royal Salute 62 Gun Salute , which retails at $ 2000 a bottle .

  5. 73%的富裕消费者将居住在北美和欧洲以外的地区。

    Seventy-three percent of the rich consumers are going to live outside North America and Europe .

  6. 内容提要:随着跨国公司进入中国市场,很多公司将服务重点放在城市富裕消费者。

    Summary : As global companies have entered China , many of them focused mainly on serving its urban-affluent consumers .

  7. 换句话说,并不是中国富裕消费者购买力降低了,而是他们正慢慢地在中国消失。

    In other words , it isn 't that wealthy buyers in China are spending less & they 're just disappearing .

  8. 因此,销售增长主要来自于新增消费者,富裕消费者的消费增长已经趋于常态化。

    So the growth now comes mainly from the new consumers , while growth in consumption by the affluent consumer has normalized .

  9. 同时,除了城市和农村地区的穷人以外,发展中国家更多的富裕消费者发现,日渐上升的利率挤压了自己的支出。

    Meanwhile , beyond the urban and rural poor , more well-to-do consumers in the developing nations have seen their spending squeezed by rising interest rates .

  10. 两家厂商注定将发生一场遭遇战:它们都将推出一款令人过目不忘的大型跨界车,目标群体均是购买力相当的富裕消费者。

    The two automakers are positioned for a skirmish : Each is introducing an impressive , new large crossover aimed at roughly the same affluent buyers .

  11. 即便对于主要排放国中碳效率最高的经济体,甚或考虑到富裕消费者目前能源使用节省数量的温和增长,情况也是如此。

    That is true even for the most carbon-efficient economies among major emitters , and true even taking into account the current modest gains in conservation of energy use by rich consumers .

  12. 养牛业利润丰厚,迎合了中国和印度等新兴经济体较富裕消费者不断转变的口味,以及欧美等成熟市场的需要。

    The lucrative business caters to the changing tastes of wealthier consumers in emerging economies such as China and India , as well as to long-established markets , including Europe and the US .

  13. 最重要的是,如果要靠将巨额储蓄盈余转移至世界上最富裕消费者的过度消费上,才能实现全球宏观经济平衡,这样的模式既不可取,又不具持续性。

    It is , above all , neither desirable nor sustainable for global macroeconomic balance to be achieved by recycling huge savings surpluses into the excess consumption of the world 's richest consumers .

  14. (中国)市场销售放缓,原因之一是(一线大城市)精英和中产阶层的富裕消费者已达到一定的饱和状态。

    The reason ( China ) growth has slowed down is first , because the affluent group of consumers in the high end and middle class has reached a certain level of saturation ( in the biggest cities ) .

  15. 波士顿咨询公司最近做的一项研究显示,到2020年中国将会有2.2亿家庭收入在2万到100万美元的富裕消费者。他们中75%住在“较小”城市。

    A recent study conducted by the Boston Consulting Group says there will be 220 million affluent consumers , who are from households earning between $ 20000 to $ 1 million , in China by 2020 , and 75 percent of them will live in " smaller " cities .

  16. 与此同时,较为富裕的消费者在国内可能不动声色。

    Richer consumers , meanwhile , can prove elusive creatures at home .

  17. 更不用说它还掌握着大量消费者信用卡信息,以及一个颇为富裕的消费者群体。

    Not to mention Apple has this huge cache of customer credit cards , and an affluent customer base .

  18. 就好像经济方面的打击还不够糟糕似的,富裕阶层消费者据称还在遭受所谓“奢侈犯罪感”,对在这样的危难时刻还花5000美元买一只手袋之类的行为产生了负疚感。

    As if the economy weren 't bad enough , wealthy consumers are allegedly suffering from'luxury shame , 'feeling guilty about paying $ 5,000 for a handbag while Rome burns .

  19. 长期以来,食品安全一直是中国富裕城市消费者所担忧的问题,但很少有人会想到,在分歧不断的中美关系中,16只美国宠物的死亡会升级为最新的摩擦来源。

    Food safety has long been an issue of consumer concern in China 's richer cities , but few expected the death of a reported 16 US pets to escalate into the newest source of friction in ever-prickly Sino-US ties .

  20. 富裕的中国消费者也是3d电视的早期用户。

    Wealthy Chinese consumers are also early adopters of 3D TVs .

  21. 高盛能源经济学家戴维格瑞利(DavidGreely)表示,上次油价在2007年底逼近100美元时,美国及其它富裕国家的消费者使用房屋净值贷款和信用卡支付汽油费用,淡化了油价上涨的影响。

    When oil prices last surged to $ 100 a barrel in late 2007 , US and other rich-country consumers blunted the impact by drawing on home-equity loans and credit cards to finance petrol purchases , says David Greely , energy economist at Goldman Sachs .

  22. 奢侈品生产商很早就开始为富裕的中国消费者们定制从汽车到牛仔裤的一系列产品了。

    Luxury goods manufacturers have long tailored products from cars to jeans for affluent Chinese consumers .

  23. 但在日本以外地区,资生堂是一个相对小众的品牌,更受那些富裕讲究的消费者的喜爱。

    But outside Japan , Shiseido is a relatively niche brand , favoured more by well-heeled consumers .

  24. 一直以来,国际品牌公司在争先恐后地向富裕的中国消费者推销其产品。

    International packaged goods companies have been falling over each other pitching products to affluent Chinese consumers .

  25. 该公司将瞄准“中等富裕”的消费者,即每月平均拥有5000元人民币(合753美元)的可支配收入。

    The company would be targeting " middle affluent " consumers with average disposable income of Rmb5,000 ( $ 753 ) a month .

  26. 尽管一线城市和东部沿海富裕城市的消费者很早就接受了电子商务,但中小城市和内地省份的消费者对网上购物有着更大的需求,因为他们所在的地方实体店不够发达。

    While consumers living in first-tier and wealthy eastern coastal cities were early adopters of ecommerce , their counterparts in smaller cities and inland provinces arguably have a greater demand for internet shopping because they have a less-advanced bricks and mortar alternative .

  27. 这就是HectorBeverages旗下传统印度饮料品牌PaperBoat的缘起——自2013年8月上市以来,PaperBoat便受到了富裕的印度城市消费者的热切欢迎。

    That was the origin of Paper Boat - Hector Beverages " brand of traditional Indian drinks , which have been lapped up by affluent , urban Indian consumers since their launch in August 2013 .

  28. 这就是HectorBeverages旗下传统印度饮料品牌PaperBoat的缘起&自2013年8月上市以来,PaperBoat便受到了富裕的印度城市消费者的热切欢迎。

    That was the origin of Paper Boat & Hector Beverages ' brand of traditional Indian drinks , which have been lapped up by affluent , urban Indian consumers since their launch in August 2013 .

  29. 研究人员表示,虽然这带来严重的健康危机,但是对社会扩容和经济增涨皆有好处,因为并不富裕的农民工和消费者需要廉价的食品。

    While the practice carries serious health risks for many , those dangers are eclipsed by the social and economic gains for poor urban farmers and consumers who need affordable food , the study authors say .

  30. 随着世界经济权力明显向中国转移,随着众多公司蜂拥而至,吸引数千万新近富裕起来的中国消费者,北京方面肯定已愈加相信,自己能够制定国际交往的准则。

    As economic power has visibly shifted to China and as companies flock to tap its tens of millions of newly affluent consumers , Beijing must have grown ever more confident that it could dictate the rules of engagement .