
  • 网络FOXCONN;foxconn technology group
  1. 富士康科技集团是面向全球PC(personalcomputer个人电脑)产业提供电子接插件等产品的制造商。

    Foxconn Technology Group is the manufacturer to provide electronic connector products and others to the global PC ( Personal Computer ) industry .

  2. 富士康科技集团正与印度当局谈判,计划在印度设立iPhone制造工厂。

    Foxconn Technology is in talks to manufacture Apple 's iPhone in India .

  3. •苹果(Apple)代工商富士康科技集团(FoxconnTechnologyGroup)可能向巴西投资120亿美元,这是富士康在深圳之外扩张业务的又一举动。

    • Apple products manufacturer Foxconn Technology Group may invest $ 12 billion in Brazil towards expanding its operations outside of the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen .

  4. 富士康科技集团(foxconntechnologygroup)预期,今后10年该公司的年平均增幅将会减半,这个迹象表明,渐趋成熟的科技行业将无法保持其激进的扩张步伐。

    Foxconn Technology Group expects its average annual growth to drop by half over the coming 10 years compared with the past decade in a sign that the maturing technology industry cannot sustain its aggressive pace of expansion .

  5. 但是这并不意味着程守宗不愿看到黑莓智能手机成功“续命”——尤其是公司决定将生产外包给台湾的富士康科技集团(FoxconnTechnologyGroup)之后,做手机的利润已经有了很大的提高。

    But that doesn 't mean Chen wouldn 't like to see BlackBerry smartphones take a new lease on life - especially now that profit margins have been greatly improved by his decision to outsource manufacturing to Taiwan 's Foxconn Technology Group .

  6. 富士康科技集团(FoxconnTechnologyGroup)昨日宣布,正在向美国一家法院起诉三家日本企业专利侵权。这个迹象表明,这家苹果(Apple)iPhone和iPad的代工制造商正采取积极行动套现其不断壮大的技术根基。

    Foxconn Technology Group announced yesterday that it was suing a trio of Japanese companies in a US court for alleged patent infringement , in a sign that the maker of Apple iPhones and iPads is moving aggressively to monetise its growing technology base .

  7. 富士康科技集团在深圳、程度和郑州都有制造中心。

    The Foxconn Technology Group owns the manufacturing centers in Shenzhen , Chengdu and Zhengzhou .

  8. 台湾鸿海精密集团星期五说,它将把深圳富士康科技集团员工的工资提高20%。

    Taiwan-based Hon Hai Precision Industry Company announced Friday it will implement a20 percent pay increase for employees at the Foxconn Technology Group in Shenzhen .

  9. 他的鸿海集团及旗下的富士康科技集团宣称他们会耗资超过16亿美元收购夏普约10%的股份。

    Hon Hai and Foxconn Technology , an affiliate , said they would invest over $ 1.6 billion in Sharp in return for around a tenth of the company .

  10. 全球最大的合约电子产品制造商富士康科技集团上周四宣布,自己旗下一子公司向中国滴滴出行投资1.199亿美元(约合人民币8亿元)。

    Foxconn Technology Group , the world 's largest contract electronics manufacturer , revealed last Thursday its subsidiary had invested $ 119.9 million in Chinese ride-hailing company Didi Chuxing .

  11. 2010年上半年,深圳富士康科技集团同一厂区内连续发生了十三起员工自杀事件,造成了10人死亡3人受伤,其中11人选择了跳楼的方式,被称之为连跳门事件。

    In the first half year of 2010 , thirteen consecutive suicides happened in the plant of the foxconn company in Shenzhen , which made 10 people lose their lives and 3 people get hurt . All of them chose jumping to end their lives expect 2 persons .